Hannah Styles

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Oh hello everyone! I guess it's my turn to introduce myself! I'm the 2nd youngest daughter and 5th born out of the Styles girls. My name is Hannah.

I was born Hannah Anne Styles. My middle name is from my dad's Mum, Anne. I'm 11 years old and I was a born a day after my dad's birthday! He was born February 1st, I was born February 2nd. Guess you could say I was a nice birthday present for my dad that year.

Just like all my sisters, I have white skin, a slender body and blonde hair, we all may look alike but we really don't. I'm pretty short for my age, I happen to be 5'1 for an 11 year old and I'm about 111 lbs, but I guess that's natural, I learn to deal with it.

My eye color is just like my dad's. Green! My hair, besides it's blonde color like I mentioned before, is straight and goes down to my waist.

Clothing style you're wondering about? Is chic! It's different from my sisters.

My jobs? Oh that's simple, in school, I'm a volleyball player, and I'm co-captain of the team, and outside of school, I'm an artist. 

You all know my Uncle Liam right, and how he's from Wolverhampton? Well that's my birthplace! My parents were on their way to see Uncle Liam when my Mum went into labor, so he turned the car around and went to the Wolverhampton hospital and then I was born.

It's already been said that I live in London with my dad and five sisters, so I don't need to explain that.

How I see myself? I see myself as invisible! I'm not noticed a lot, my dad notices me and so did my Mum before the divorce, but my sisters or Uncles or people are school don't notice me It's kind of sad, but at the same time I like it because at least I'm not given a hard time. 

I am in my first year of middle school. So that makes me a 6th grader. And let me tell you, it's not easy. 

Since I see myself as invisible, I'm very known to be quiet! 

I get called 'Han' a lot sometimes, but I just prefer it for people to call me Hannah.

And in case you're wondering, I do speak with an English accent.

I've got a few paintings to finish, so I've got to head out.

Nice talking to you all, 

Hannah xoxox

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