The Reason For The Divorce

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After Holly left her parents room, Leah walked in with boxes for her stuff so she could start packing.

“Harry, do you think you can help me pack my stuff? It’ll go faster if you help. I kind of want to get this done as soon as possible.”

“Oh sure, no problem.” Harry said getting off the bed and walked over to Leah to help her out with packing her stuff.

“Can’t believe this is really happening.” Leah said with her voice cracking.

“Can’t believe what is happening?”

“We’re getting divorced. I never pictured myself getting divorced at all. When I was a little girl, I pictured myself married till I died.”

“I never pictured myself  getting divorced either, but it’s for the best Leah.” Harry sighed.

“The best for you, you mean? You fell in love with someone else.” Leah  cried. She was hurt that Harry wasn’t in love with her anymore.

“Leah,” Harry sighed again the moment they started putting her stuff in boxes. “I’ve been in love with Peyton before I even met you.”

“Why didn’t you marry her then?” Leah asked while folding her arms across her chest.

“She’s my best friend Leah, I didn’t want to jeopardize my friendship with her by telling her how I felt about her.”

“So I was just your back-up? Second choice?” Leah asked while she teared up.

“Leah, no, you weren’t my second choice or my back-up or anything. I fell in love with you when I was seventeen—“ Harry said as he took hold of Leah’s hands and she cut him off.

“—and then you got me pregnant.” Leah chuckled.

“I did, and it led us to having Ella and then we got married. The most amazing seventeen years of my life. But let’s face it Leah, after Darcy turned four, that magic spark between us wasn’t there anymore.”

“For you right?” Leah asked seriously.

Harry sighed. Leah was still in love with Harry, but he wasn’t in love with her anymore. He was in love with his lifelong best friend, Peyton, and that’s who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“I’m sorry Leah, this divorce is my fault, we both know it, but…I don’t want to be miserable and still married. That would just continue to hurt you if you were happy and I wasn’t. I want to be happy, and I need to do what makes me happy.”

As tears ran down her face, Leah looked at Harry, slowly, nodded her head and faked a small smile. “I understand.” She said softly.

Harry looked at Leah and took her in for a hug. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to break apart from him, knowing that would be their last moment as a married couple, their last moment as husband and wife, and most importantly, their last moment as a family. Once Leah was to leave, they weren’t going to be much of a family anymore; it was just going to be Harry as a single dad, and his six daughters.

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