Peyton Woodley

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Hi there! My name is Peyton Woodley. I am Harry's best friend since we were 5 years old. I'm the same age as Harry and I was born in San Diego, California on March 9th.

I've got tan skin, I'm 5'6 and weight about 126 lbs, with a slender body. My eyes are light brown with a tint of green when you look into them. I have dark brown wavy hair that goes past my shoulders, and I wear a lot of casual clothes.

My job is a novelist. I write a lot of stories for all ages, and I absolutely love it, but I also help out Harry with his daughters since he and Lea got divorced. 

From my birthplace, I guess it's obvious I live in both America and England, because I currently live in London, I live right by Harry. 

I live with my two loving kids, Autumn and Logan. I'm also a single parent, but I'm not divorced, I'm a widow. 

I see myself as helpful. I tend to help out everyone I know, and not just Harry. I help my kids, I help Harry's daughters, Louis and his family, Zayn and his family, Niall and his family and Liam and his family. I've known them since Harry joined the X Factor. 

I am a College graduate! I went to America for College, but made my time to see Harry since he's my best friend. I graduated from Julliard.

My two nicknames are Peyt and Pey, which are nicknames that Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall or Liam call me, but mostly Harry and Louis. 

My temper is really quiet. I don't get angry, I don't get mad, well I do sometimes, but not all the time. I'm more kept to myself.

That's it for me! See you all soon!


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