Seeing Peyton

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Harry started driving after getting off the phone with Peyton. “Let’s go see Aunt Peyton.” He said pulling out of the driveway.

“Daddy, how long have you known Auntie Peyton?” Darcy asked. She didn’t want to stay sad when they got to Peyton’s house so she tried to keep her mind off the divorce by changing the subject.

“Twenty-nine years.” Harry answered.

“Wow, that’s a long time.” Darcy said sounding amazed.

“It is. Your Auntie Peyton is my best friend.”

“Like Uncle Louis?”

“Yes, like Uncle Louis, only I’ve known her way longer than Uncle Louis. I’ve known her longer than all my friends.”

“Wow.” Darcy said sounding surprised.

Harry drove right down the street to Peyton’s house. He could’ve walked to her house while holding Darcy, but it had been pouring rain and Harry didn’t want Darcy to catch a cold, so driving was the next best thing. 

“Daddy, why didn’t we just walk to Auntie Peyton’s house?” 

“Because Darce, it’s pouring rain, I didn’t want you catching a cold.”

“Oh” Darcy said as Harry hot to Peyton’s house.

Pulling into Peyton’s driveway, Harry stepped out of the car, shut the door to the driver’s side and got Darcy out from the backseat, then held her at his side. He walked up to Peyton’s door, opened it slowly and walked inside with Darcy, Peyton always left her door unlocked for Harry.

“Peyt?” Harry asked stepping inside the house.

Running up to Harry were three-year-old Autumn and two-year-old Logan, Peyton’s kids. They adored their Uncle Harry very much. When they were born, Peyton named Harry as her kids godfather, just like he named Peyton his daughter’s godmother.

“UNCLE HAAAAAARRY!” They both screamed while running up to him to give him a hug.

“Hey hey, Autumn and Logan.” Harry smiled.

“How are you Uncle Harry?” Autumn asked.

“I’m okay. Where’s your Mum?” 

“She’s in the kitchen.” Logan answered.

“Ahh okay.” Harry said setting Darcy down. “Why don’t you go play with Autumn and Logan like you wanted?” 

Darcy looked at Harry and nodded. “Okay Daddy.”

“That’s my girl!” Harry smiled as he kissed her forehead. “Be careful and don’t break anything.”

“I won’t.” Darcy said as she took Autumn’s hand and ran to her room.

Harry stood up and walked to the kitchen to see Peyton. “Peyton?” 

Peyton had chest length, perfectly straightened, medium brown hair, light brown eyes, olive tan skin and stood about five feet six inches tall, along with bangs covering her forehead.

Turning around to see Harry, a smile grew on Peyton’s face as she walked over to hug Harry. “Harry, it’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you too. How are you?” Harry asked.

“I’m great, and yourself?”

“I’ve been okay. Leah and I got divorced.” Harry sighed.

“A divorc—“ Before she could continue, Peyton looked at the sad expression on Harry’s face and stopped herself from finishing her sentence and changed her response. “Oh, Harry, I’m so sorry.”

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