Darcy Styles

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Hello everyone, Harry here! I noticed that all my daughters have been introducing themselves, and I realized that my youngest, who is four years old can't really introduce herself well, so I figured, why don't I introduce her to you all?

My last and youngest daughther is Darcy. She was born Darcy Anabelle Styles, and she is 4 years old. Darcy was born to my wife Lea and I on August 22nd. 

Darcy has white skin, blonde straight hair that goes to her waist just like her older sisters, and has green eyes, just like Hannah and I. 

Darcy is 3'2, so she's the smallest out of all my daughters, and she weighs about 50 lbs. And she is slender, just like her five older sisters.

Her clothing style is just perfectly causal and adorable, because she's the cutest 4 year old ever.

My daughter doesn't have much of a job, but she is a ballerina! She wears a tutu and tiara practically all the time. 

Her homes are in both America and England, because her Mummy is originally from America, but her hometown and birthplace are right here in London.

Everyone knows that I, Harry, am Darcy's father, and that she has five older sisters, Ella, Lily, Holly, Sophie and Hannah, and I like to call Darcy, Darce, as her nickname.

Darcy has a bit of a picky temper, where she goes through this phase and doesn't know what she wants yet, and sometimes she likes to have a hissy fit.

And,  just like her Mum, Darcy talks with an American accent, but she's a lot like her daddy.

That's it about my little baby, but I'll let her do the honors in saying bye.

Bye Bye,

Darcy xo

(I have three other characters, but they're Harry's best friend and her two kids. Leave a comment if you think I should do their profiles. It's just three new characters)

6 Different Styles [A Harry Styles Fanfiction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt