Telling The Girls

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Divorce is never fun for kids. Especially for six daughters of a really famous superstar. They hardly saw their parents much, and a divorce was making things complicated for them.

Ella, Lily, Holly, Sophie, Hannah and Darcy were sat down on their living room couch by their parents, Harry & Leah. 

Harry & Leah were married a few months after Ella had been born seventeen years ago. Shortly after Darcy had turned four,  Harry & Leah were in talks of divorce. Leah felt like she wasn’t a good enough mother to her daughter’s, and Harry was no longer happy being married to Leah because he had fallen out of love with her.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Ella asked. She was bouncing Darcy on her lap as she waited for her parents to make their “big” announcement. Big announcements usually made Ella nervous.

Out of Harry’s six daughters, their accents were jumbled up. With Leah being American, three daughters spoke with a British accent and three spoke without one. It was a bit crazy.

Leah took in a deep breath and came out with the news since Harry was somewhat speechless.

“Before you girls say anything we want you all to know that your father and I agreed on this.” Leah said feeling hurt on the inside. Although she loved her daughters very much, Leah didn’t want custody of her daughter’s because she wasn’t what she thought was a “good mother” to her daughters, and she thought all six of her girls were better off with Harry than her, especially since he’s able to provide the girls support and she wasn’t.

“What’s going on Mommy?” Four-year-old Darcy asked.

Leah looked back at Harry, who was sitting down, nervously shaking his knees and his hands clapped together as he slowly took in deep breaths to calm himself. He was worried that his daughters wouldn’t take the divorce well.

“Just go ahead and tell them. It’s easy If you just simply tell them.” Harry said letting out a rough sigh.

“Something’s going on, and it’s not good. I can feel it!” Exclaimed Hannah, who was the second youngest.

“It’s obvious she knows something Leah, just tell them and get it over with.” Harry sighed.

“Alright!” Leah said rolling her eyes the second she turned to face her daughters. “Your father and I have decided to get a divorce.” Leah said.

“WHAT?” Five out of six girls shouted. Darcy didn’t know what a divorce was, it was hard for her to know what her mother meant.

“But why?” Lily, the second oldest, asked.

“We have our personal reasons Lily, and for that being said, we’d rather not share them.” Leah answered.

“Who are we going to live with then?” Asked Sophie, who was the fourth oldest.

“You’re all going to stay here with your dad. I’m the only one that’s moving out.”

“But you guys can’t get a divorce.” Said Holly, who was the third oldest.

“We already made up our minds Holly. Your father and I have just fallen out of love, and we need to do what makes us happy, and a divorce is what’s best.” Leah explained.

The girls sat on the living room couch, hurt and depressed, while Darcy got off her older sister’s lap and walked up to her mother. “Mommy”

“Yes my little Princess?” Leah asked looking at Darcy.

“What’s a divorce?”

Leah didn’t want to hurt her youngest daughter, but the second Leah was to leave and never come back, she had to have an explanation for it.

“Sweetie, a divorce is where two parents separate and aren’t married anymore. So on parent leaves. In this case, I’m the one who is leaving.”

“You’re not going to be my Mommy anymore?” Darcy asked with a pouty face.

“Darcy, I’ll always be your Mommy, and Daddy will always be your Daddy. It’s just your Daddy and I aren’t going to be married anymore, and I won’t live here anymore.”

Leah looked at Darcy, who had suddenly burst into tears. Immediately, she ran upstairs to her room. Her five older sisters all stood up to chase after her, but Harry stopped them and went after Darcy himself.

“You girls stay here, I’ll handle this.” He said making his way to Darcy’s room.

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