Harry Tells The Girls

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Harry carried Darcy to his bedroom and gently laid her on his bed while lying beside her. Darcy looked right at her Dad and cuddled right beside him. Harry looked down at his daughter and held her close to him as she cuddled him.

“Are you okay Daddy?” Darcy asked after Harry released a long, stressful sigh, for he had a long stressful day.

“Yeah, I’m okay Princess, just stressed and exhausted. “ Harry responded as his five older daughters walked in to say goodnight to their Dad.

“Dad? We just wanted to come in and say goodnight and that we love you.” Ella said walking through the door.

Harry looked at his daughters and smiled as they all walked over to hug and kiss him goodnight. “I love you girls too, and there’s something I need to tell you girls before you go to bed.” He sighed.

“Is everything okay Dad?” Lily asked looking worried after seeing a sad look on her Dad’s face.

Carefully picking up Darcy, Harry gently placed her on his lap and prepared himself to tell his daughters that Leah was pregnant…again. Though it stressed him out that his ex-wife was pregnant, Harry was scared of what his daughters would say about it.

“Before I gave Darcy her bath, your Mum called with some news.”

“Good news or bad news?” Sophie asked curiously.

“Depends how you girls take it.” Harry responded. He wasn’t sure how his daughters would handle the fact that Leah was pregnant for a seventh time. It was terrifying for him to even think of it.

“What is it Dad?” Hannah asked looking worried.

Harry let out another rough sigh and just came out with the news he had to tell his daughters rather than stall them. “Your Mum is pregnant.”

All the girls eyes widened the moment they all said “AGAIN?”

“That’s what I wanted to say, until your Mum started yelling at me. She’s not keeping the baby, she’s giving the baby to me. Your Mum said she doesn’t want me there when the baby is born, she’s just going to put the baby on the doorstep and I take it from there. Girls, I don’t even know what I’m doing now. I should’ve been a better parent while raising you girls. I’m going to need a lot of help raising the new baby.”

“Dad, of course we’ll help. We’re you kids, we’re supposed to do what you tell us.” Ella chuckled. “What kind of kids would we be if we didn’t listen to our own Dad?”

Harry let out a soft sigh beneath his breath. “I just don’t want you girls to think I’m a horrible father because I’m not as great of a parent as your Mum. She knew what she was doing.”

“Dad, we won’t ever think that, we love you. There will be times where we get mad, but that’s the point of being a kid. But we’ll always love you Dad.” Ella explained.

“That’s what a Dad likes to hear.” Harry smiled as he hugged and kissed his daughters individually. “I love you girls so much.”

“We love you too Dad.” The girls said back to Harry.

“That’s good to hear.” Harry smiled again. “Alright, time for you girls to go to bed.”

“Alright, is Darcy sleeping in here?” Ella asked.

“Yeah, she probably will for a while. It’s nothing to worry about. I enjoy my baby’s company.” Harry said as he cuddled Darcy in his arms, and smothered her with kisses while Darcy began to giggle.

“Dad, don’t you want your time to be alone though? We can always take care of Darcy for you!” Lily exclaimed.

“Girls,” Harry chuckled. “I appreciate your offer to help take care of your little sister, but I need to learn how to handle this myself. I need to learn to be a single parent. When I need your help, I’ll ask for it,  but I have plans set-up all this week for Darcy to play with Autumn and Logan, and I’ll be with Peyton, so for this week, let me try my best here and you girls can do what you want okay? It’s your last week before school starts, I’m sure you girls want to go have fun.”

The girls all looked at Harry and nodded as they all said goodnight one last time and walked to their bedrooms for them to get some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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