Chapter 5

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"Who's that?" Sally asked, pointing at my phone.

I wiped my face and rejected the call.


"Gabby, what is going on, what did you see?"

Oh god, how do I tell her what I saw?

"Was it Brian?"

I nodded. You bet it was Brian.

"Is he alright?"

I sobbed. "He's fine."

Sally looked at me. "What Gabby, what is it?"

"He was fucking someone." I cried.

"Excuse me?"

"He was in my bed fucking some other woman."

She started driving again. "Fuck Gabby."

Yes fuck Gabby, fuck fuck fuck.

I dug in bag for a tissue and my phone started ringing again. I rejected the call again and switched my phone off.

Sally took me to her and Arin's place. I was glad, I didn't know what else to do, I had nowhere else to go. I sure as hell wasn't going back home.....ever.

We went inside and Arin came out of the kitchen smiling, that was until he saw me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's fine, just give us a minute." Sally told him, guiding me into the living room. "Sit."

I sat down and started crying again.

"I can't believe that prick." Sally hissed.

I looked at her, I couldn't either.

She reached out and hugged me. "Poor Gabby."

I cried. I couldn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. My whole entire life had just blown up in my face. He was all I knew, for so long he was all I knew.

"Let me get you a drink." She said getting up and walking out.

I didn't want a fucking drink. I wanted a shotgun so I could go back to the house and kill the prick.

Why would he do this? He obviously didn't love me anymore. He could have just told me, not pretended that he did.

I felt so stupid, so humiliated.

Sally walked back in with Arin.

"Are you okay?" Arin asked me.

I shook my head, blowing my nose. Of course I wasn't okay, my boyfriend was cheating.

Arin pulled out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" Sally asked him


"God." I cried. "This is embarrassing enough without everyone having to know."

He looked at me. "It's okay Gabby, he'll help."

How? How the hell was Matt going to help?

"Matt, we have a problem." He started, leaving the room.

I looked at Sally and started crying again. "I don't want anyone to know."

She hugged me. "We're friends Gabby, we're here to help."

But they were Brian's friends too and I really didn't know who I could trust anymore.

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