Chapter 32

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"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him, kneeling down next to the bed. "I don't mind staying home."
He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Go Gabby, I'm just going to sleep anyway."
I kissed his forehead, he looked terrible, he was coming down with something.
"I'd rather stay." I whispered.
He smiled and pulled my face down to his. "Babe go."
"Okay okay, but I won't be long."
"Please don't be long."
I kissed him. "I love you."
"And I love you, now go."
We kissed again and I headed out to the car, I had a lunch date with Sally and Evie, I was looking forward to it, but I'd prefer to stay with Matt. We'd been together a few months and while I always thought I'd loved Brian, it was nothing compared to how I felt about Matt, I'd fallen for him, heart and soul.
The girls were waiting for me when I arrived and it was always nice to catch up with them.
"You organised?" I asked Sally while we were eating.
She smiled and nodded.
Her and Arin's wedding was this weekend and we were all looking forward to it.
"Everything is running smoothly."
I was glad to hear it.
Sally and I endured listening to Evie go on and on about Zack, but I was glad, it was nice to see Zack finally settle down and Evie was such a nice girl.
"Well." Sally said afterwards as we headed to our cars. "I'll see you Friday night."
I hugged her briefly. "Can't wait."
I was a bridesmaid and I was pretty excited and I couldn't help but smile as I headed towards home.
As I pulled into the drive I groaned. Great, Kates car was here. I wished she'd just get over it and move on, I really was sick of the sight of her.
I grabbed my bag and headed to the door, letting myself in.
It was quiet, it seemed nobody was here. Maybe Kate had just left her car here for some reason?
I put my bag down and headed to the bedroom, I wanted to check on Matt, plus it had only been a couple of hours but I'd missed him.
I opened the door quietly and looked in, stopping. What I was seeing wasn't making sense to me and it took a moment for me to realize what I was seeing.
Matt was laying on his side, he appeared to be sleeping, but it was Kate, Kate who was behind him, naked, curled around him, that part I didn't understand.
It's happened again, a voice in my head whispered and I felt my vision blur.
How could this happen again? Why me?
No wonder he was so keen for me to go to lunch.
Suddenly I heard a loud noise and I realised it had come from me, it happened again and I realised I was sobbing.
Matt opened his eyes looked at me and he looked confused, confused because he'd been caught. Kate grinned at me and that was it, I couldn't stay there any longer.
Once again I found myself running, I didn't know where too, just anywhere.
Why did this keep happening to me? What was wrong with me?

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