Chapter 44

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Kate's POV

I hated Gabby. I hated her before I even met her. When Matt and I first started dating he would go on and on....Gabby this, Gabby that.....I cringed at the mention of her name.
I was terrified to meet her, she was like a god as far as Matt was concerned and the night we went over to Brian and her house, the night I first met her, I was a mess.
Imagine my surprise to see that Gabby was just an average girl, she wasn't anything special and I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. I hated her even more after that night, her and that Sally bitch sat there together and I knew they were judging me, constantly talking amongst themselves, constantly giggling.
That night when we left I knew I was going to bring Gabby down a peg or two. She needed a reality check. She needed to see that she wasn't anything special, I just needed to work out what I could do.
I waited and I pretended to be her friend but secretly I hated her, I hated her so much.
When we went on tour with the guys through Europe I decided what I was going to do. I would take the thing she loved the most, Brian. It wasn't hard to seduce him, I think he liked the change, but he would always feel guilty and after we'd had sex he would lay there and tell me how much he loved Gabby. It made me sick.
When it all blew up I thought Matt had forgiven me. I batted my eye's at him, I swore it would never happen again and I thought we would move on. But no, no because Gabby was in the damn way, always at his place and I saw the way she looked at Matt, she wanted him.
That bitch got him and that made me hate her more, I wanted to get her so bad and I fucking tried, I tried my hardest but after watching that stupid dick stare at her all day at the wedding, I knew nothing I did was going to make a difference, they loved eachother, it was painfully if not disgustingly obvious.
I layed in my bed, my bed by myself, alone. Why you ask, well it would seem every guy in the world was in love with Gabby, well Brian and Matt anyway.
I'll get you, you bitch. I thought to myself as I rolled over and closed my eye's.
I wasn't sure how I was going to do it, but Gabby had better watch out.
She was going down and I was the one who would take her.

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