Chapter 19

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Stupid stupid computer. No places to live, nowhere to go.

"We'll talk when I get back."

"Argh." I screamed, jumping up.

Sneaky bastard.

"Oh shit sorry." He laughed. "See you later."

I stared at the screen and did not look up until I heard his car start. Thank god he was gone, I could breathe again.

I got up and had a shower, I needed cleansing, hell my mind needed cleansing.

I stood in there trying not to think about it, trying not to think about him, but I couldn't, I couldn't go five minutes without thinking about him.

I grabbed a towel, drying myself quickly and pulling on one of my twenty thousand dresses. I tied my hair up and went out to the living room, grabbing my phone on the way.

"Where did you get to last night?" Sally answered.


"Okay, why?"

"People were pissing me off." I told her.

"That's fair." She said. "So what's up?"

I want to fuck Matt.....hard.

"I really need to find somewhere Sal. Like today."

"What happened?" So god damn curious.

"Kate. I can't stand her."

"Ugh I know. What did she do?" She asked.

"She was born, so anyway you said you could help."

"Yep, let me make some calls Gabby, it may take a week or so but I'll get you in your own place."

Shit, a week.

"Okay, thanks Sal." I said hanging up.

I guess I could last a week if I spent alot of time in my room and besides I could continue looking myself.

I grabbed my laptop and headed to the couch, flopping down, getting comfortable.

I don't know how long later but I heard someone let themselves in.

"Oh, your still here."

Great, it was bitch tits.

"Yes Kate, because in the hour and a half you were gone, I found a place, signed the lease and moved out." I snapped.

"Alright, no need to be so moody." She said, sitting down. "Where's Matt?"

"I don't know, out."

"Oh." She leant over. "Still looking?"

"Yes Kate because you've made it obvious you don't want me here."

"I don't know why you don't go back to Brian." She said.

I looked at her. Was she fucking serious?

"Are you serious, he cheated, he's a cheater."

"Well I know that." She smiled. "But you could forgive him, I mean Matt forgave me."

"He what?"

"Forgave me Gabby. Brian and I got carried away."

I looked at her. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe.

"You didn't know. Oh fuck." She said quickly. "I thought Matt told you."

"You filthy slut." I hissed.

She looked at me shocked. "Gabby."

I stood up. "Your disgusting, you disgust me." I yelled.

"Now hang on a minute." She snapped, standing up herself.

"You fucking whore." I screamed.

I was enraged. She was the one fucking Brian and I was going to rip her face off.

"What is going on?" Matt's voice boomed.

I looked at him. That prick. He knew, he knew and never said a word to me.

"You knew." I said, well fuck now I was crying. "You knew and never said anything."

"Gabby, I..."

I cut him off. "Your as bad as them." I screamed.

"Get over it Gabby." Kate screamed back.

"You." Matt yelled pointing at Kate. "Shut up and get out of my house, I am done with you."


"Go." He screamed.

I grabbed my computer and started walking to my room.

"Gabby, stop." He said grabbing my arm.

I reefed my arm out of his grip. "Don't you dare touch me." I hissed at him. "You've betrayed me too."

I went to my room, slamming the door in his face and locking it.

"Gabby, please." He said.

I sat on the bed and covered my ears with my hands, I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

Everyone I'd cared about had fucked me over.

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