Chapter 50

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Matt's POV

Where the hell was Gabby? She was only going to get milk but she'd been gone over two hours. Maybe she'd decided to visit somebody, which was fine, I'd just wished she'd told me. She'd been a little scatty the past few days, a little off, I mean she went shopping and forgot the milk of all things. I'd kind of been hoping we could spend the afternoon together. I'd been busy the last week or so and I just wanted to spend a bit of time with her.
I grabbed my phone, maybe she was with Sally.
I listened as the phone rang.
"Hi." Sally answered.
"Hey Sal, it's me."
"Matt, how are you?"
"Good, how are you?" I asked her.
"Okay, I guess. What can I do for you Matt?"
"Is Gabby with you?"
"Huh, no. Should she be?"
"I don't know, she went out for milk a couple of hours ago and hasn't come home yet." I explained.
"Try not to worry, I'm sure she'll be home soon."
"Yeah, I know." I said.
I heard a car outside and walked to the window.
"Why don't you and Gabby come for dinner tonight?" Sally asked as I looked out the window.
I felt my stomach drop.
"What Matt?"
"Sally the police are here, I have to go."
"Matt, wait....." She said but I hung up, walking to the door.
Gabby. Something had happened to Gabby.
I threw open the door as two police officers walked up the steps.
"Mr Sanders?"
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
"May we come in?" One asked.
I nodded, stepping back.
They walked inside, then turned to me.
"Mr Sanders, is Miss Lane here?"
They were looking for Gabby?
"I don't know where she is she went to get milk and she hasn't come back and I don't know where she is."
I blurted that at them, without stopping, without taking a breath because now I was scared.
"Sir." One said, taking a step towards me. "Can you identify these?"
He reached into a bag, pulling out a purse and a phone, Gabby's purse and phone.
I felt my chest tighten and I opened my mouth to speak, but I shut it again, I didn't trust my voice.
"Are these Miss Lanes?"
I nodded.
Where was Gabby?
"Sir we found these next to her car, on the ground, with a carton of milk."
"Where's Gabby?" I asked, trying not to sound panicked, but failing.
"We're not sure. A young lady told us that she saw Miss Lane talking to some people, then they all got in a van and left."
"A van?"
"Yes, she managed to get a part registration because as they drove away she saw Miss Lanes belongings on the ground."
"We're currently running the part registration in the hope that we might find a match." He told me. "Is there any reason Miss Lane would get in a van?"
"Gabby." I said.
"Excuse me?"
"Her name is Gabby."
"Of course, can you think of any reason Gabby would get into a van Sir?"
I shook my head, there was no reason, none. "No, she's meant to be here with me."
He nodded, glancing at his partner. "Mr Sanders, we're putting out a missing persons report on Gabby, considering the circumstances."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that we're looking for her." He said heading towards the door. "Here." He handed me a card. "If you hear anything, call me, but I will be in touch later, just to let you know how we're progressing."
I took the card, glancing at it. "Should I be worried?"
That was the dumbest thing I'd ever said because right now I was terrified.
"Considering the circumstances of her disappearance, yes you have a right to be worried."
I stood on the step, watching them get back in their car, still hanging onto the card.
My phone rang and I pressed it to my ear, not saying anything.
"Matt, what's going on, what did the police want?" Sally demanded.
I couldn't reply, I didn't know what to say.
"Matt?" She screeched.
I suddenly heard a noise, the noise was me, groaning.
"Matt." Sally yelled. "What, what is it?"
I groaned, closing my eyes. "Gabby. It's Gabby."

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