Chapter 24

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"So." Matt said, reaching over and taking my hand. "We'll play it cool tonight."

We were on our way to Zack's house and we had decided earlier that now was not the right time to be open about our budding relationship. It would probably cause a few problems, so we decided to wait until things had settled down a bit.

"Yes." I said looking at him and smiling.

"Brian and Kate will be there."

"I know and I don't care." I told him.

"I'd rather not be going." He said squeezing my hand.

"Me neither."

We continued the drive in silence and when we pulled up out the front of Zack's Matt leant over and kissed me softly.

"We won't stay long." He murmured.

I smiled at him, god he was so perfect. "Good."

He put his lips back on mine and the kiss deepened. I didn't want it to end.

"Gabby." He whispered against my lips. "We should go in."

"No." I told him, kissing him again.

I'm really not sure how long we sat in the car kissing, but I enjoyed every minute of it and when we finally pulled apart I couldn't stop smiling.

"Your making it very hard." Matt told me as we got out.

"Making what very hard?"

"Very hard to stay away, very hard not to touch you." He stopped at the front door and turned to me. "Very hard not to kiss you."

Good, because I felt the same way. He was all I could think about, the only thing on my mind.

We went in and headed out the back, just before we stepped out Matt smiled at me, I guess to reassure me.

Everyone was already there. Admittedly Matt and I were a tad late well because we were making out and stuff, and oh god I wished we back home still making out. Well no actually, I wished we were back home in bed, because I really wanted Matt, in everyway. I hadn't felt like this about anyone, including Brian for a long time, I think maybe Brian had become a habit for me, something familiar, something I'd clung too. But Matt, Matt made my body tingle, he gave me butterflies, he excited me and all of it felt wonderful.

"What are you grinning at?" Sally asked me as I sat down next to her.

"Nothing." I said quickly.

She looked at me strangely and I ignored her.

"Ugh, bitch alert." Sally hissed.

"Gabby." Kate said, sitting down with us. "I owe you an apology, what I did was out of line and I'm incredibly sorry."

That was the biggest crock of shit I'd ever heard. She was only saying it so she could get back in the good books with Matt. She wanted him, well she could back the fuck up, he was mine.

"That's fine." I told her.

She looked shocked that I'd been so agreeing but I cursed her as she walked away.

I looked around and Brian waved and blew me a kiss, I waved back but there was no way I was blowing him a kiss. I found Matt, he was talking to Zack and Kate was hovering near by. If she touched him I would kill her, I really would.

"Alright Gabby." Sally said suddenly. "What is it?"

"What's what?" I had no clue what she was talking about.

"Your sitting there, your glowing and your grinning like an idiot, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were in love."

I didn't reply, what could I say.

"Oh my god Gabby, you've met someone, who is he?"

I still didn't reply, I didn't trust my self not to gush the moment I opened my mouth. I glanced around and looked at Matt, standing there, looking perfect. He looked up and our eyes met, he smiled at me, and there go the butterflies, going all crazy in my stomach. 

"Oh my god." Sally whispered. "It's fucking Matt."

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