Chapter 22

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Matt's POV 

I layed there, listening to her breathe, she was sleeping finally. I knew she hadn't been sleeping well and I was glad she finally was.

I looked at her and brushed a loose strand of hair off of her cheek, then I kissed the tip of her nose gently.

Here was Gabby, Brian's Gabby, sleeping in my arm's. Well she was my Gabby now, he'd fucked up, his loss was my gain.

I looked at her again and thought about everything that had brought us to this moment.

I remember when Brian and Gabby first started dating, nearly five years ago. He'd shown up at a party with this girl. She was tiny next to all of us, pixie like, but it didn't bother her, she had a huge personality and fitted in well with us, all of us. I didn't think they'd last long but they stayed together, much to my surprise.

Brian was the first of us with a serious girlfriend, but gradually we'd all met someone and to be honest I'd always compare the girls I dated to Gabby. I won't lie, I always found her attractive but the best thing about Gabby was she had the personality to match.

She was kind of the glue that kept us together and when Jimmy passed away she was there for all of us, even though she was grieving too.

I thought back to that moment in Europe when I saw Brian and Kate sneak into a hotel room together. I was so mad, but not for me, I was mad that Brian could do this to Gabby, after everything she'd put up with, after everything she'd done for him, for us.

I didn't understand why he never married her, it made no sense. She was perfect and clearly adored him. It was a shame he didn't feel the same way. Now he realized his mistake but it was too late for him.

I kept what I saw to myself, I was just biding my time, they'd fuck up and get caught. I went ahead with my engagement to Kate but there was no way I was going to marry her, I just didn't know what to do, I'd never been cheated on before and I wasn't sure how to deal with it.

That day Kate said she was going over to Sally's, that day that Arin called me, telling me that Sally and Gabby were out together was when I realised what I had to do.

I went into my office and dug around until I found it. An old phone that I'd bought when mine had been playing up last year. I sat down in that office and I texted Gabby. I was the one who'd sent those texts, I'd told her to go home.

I waited for the fallout and it came within the hour.

Did I regret what I'd done? No, Gabby deserved to know what pieces of shit Brian and Kate were. Yes, because of the hurt I saw all over her face when I walked into Arin's.

So I brought her home here. The plan was I was going to let her stay here until she sorted everything out, until she'd healed a little, until she got her life back on track. Gabby was my friend too and I wanted to help a friend.

I tried with Kate, she was sorry for what had happened so I gave her a second chance. The problem, Gabby. Kate would come over and everything she did I would compare to Gabby and then when Kate wasn't around it would be just me and Gabby and I realised that was when I was happiest, when I was with Gabby.

It was a shit hot mess. Kate was always here, throwing herself at me. Brian was constantly calling Gabby, begging her to come home. Gabby was wandering around, wearing as little as possible and driving me insane and I was as confused as all fuck because this was Gabby.

I had considered asking Gabby out on a date but I wasn't sure how she would react, well that was until the other night, when I'd found Kate in my bed I was disgusted, there was no way I was sleeping there, so I got into Gabby's bed. She didn't mind and I sure as fuck didn't mind the next morning when she'd pressed herself against me and started dragging her nails up and down my back. I had no fucking idea if she was asleep or awake but fuck me, she was driving me insane. I kissed her and she kissed me back and I was so close to just ripping her damn shirt off, I was so close to sleeping with her and it took every ounce of my will power not too. I wanted to treat Gabby the way she deserved to be treated, so I'd wait.

I could have fucking killed Kate for telling Gabby that it was her. She did it on purpose because she knew I was done with her and Gabby's reaction was devastating. She hated me and she wanted to move out.

But now, here I was, we'd sorted it out, she'd understood that I didn't want to hurt her and she'd kissed me and this time I knew she was awake.

I looked at her sleeping. This was going to cause some complications. I think some people will be happy, some not so happy. I didn't care. I already knew I was happy with just Gabby, if we lost friends so be it.

I kissed her nose again and smiled. I was happy to give up everything for this amazing woman.

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