Chapter 12

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I pulled into the drive. It was the end of my first full week back at work and I was tired, but I was happy, happy to be back.

I grabbed the groceries out of the trunk and headed inside. I'd planned to cook dinner for us, no more moping around, I was going to start doing things around the house. Matt had done enough for me, it was time I started giving back.

"Matt." I called, putting the stuff on the bench.

"Out back." He called.

I walked out the back and stopped.

Matt and Kate were sitting at the table, obviously talking.

"Hey Gabby." Kate said smiling.

She was all dresssed up, in heels and a tight red dress. I would kill for her height and figure.

"Hey, long time no see."

"Yes, it has been awhile." She said.

It felt a little awkward, I was pretty sure I'd interrupted something.

"So anyway, I was going to make dinner tonight." I said to Matt.

"Sorry Gabby, I should've told you." He said. "Kate and I are going out tonight."

Oh, well then.

"No, that's fine, I'll just do it another night." I turned to go back inside. "Carry on."

Carry on for fuck sake, I thought walking back inside, I was such a fucking dork.

I grabbed the groceries and started putting them away loudly. I mean Matt didn't have to tell me he was going out tonight but it would've been nice if he had.

I went into the bathroom and had a shower and when I came out Kate was sitting there.

"Matt's just getting ready." She told me as I took up my regular position on the couch.

I looked at her and nodded. I noticed she still had on her engagement ring. I guessed they were working out their problems.

"Sorry about Brian." She said.

"Me too." I said shortly.

I didn't feel like talking to her, her presence annoyed me.

"I'll be here if you need me Gabby."

I was pretty sure I didn't need her.

Matt came out so I didn't answer her. I looked at him, he looked extremely handsome, Kate was lucky to have a sweetheart like him.

"Ready?" He said to her.

She smiled and stood up and I looked her up and down again, the bitch.

"See you when I get home." Matt said to me.

"Nah, I'll be in bed." I said shortly.

They left and I sat there. I didn't know what to do but I knew what I had to do.

If Matt and Kate were back on they certainly wouldn't want me hanging around.

I got up and grabbed my laptop. It was time for me to find my own place.

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