Chapter 23

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I opened my eye's. I'd slept and as I glanced at the clock I realised I'd slept alot. Matt was gone and I was a little disappointed. I thought about what had happened earlier with Matt and I smiled, he'd kissed me.

I closed my eye's again, remembering the feeling. It wasn't a 'friends' kiss, or was it? I opened my eye's again, no it definitely wasn't a 'friends' kiss, it was a 'I like you more than a friend' kiss.

I sat up, I was hungry and I needed to get up but I felt nervous, I mean what was going to happen with Matt, and what the hell was I going to say to him. "Kiss me you sexy fuck" just didn't seem appropriate.

I got up and as I walked out it became apparent to me I didn't have to worry, Matt wasn't here anyway. I walked to the fridge and noticed a note on the bench.
Be back soon

Ooh kisses. I smiled. Kisses.

I shook my head, I was getting carried away as usual, it was a note for god sake. I got something to eat and mentally scolded myself for acting like a sixteen year old.

But that's what I felt like, I thought as I had a shower. I felt like a giggly school girl.

I got dressed and did my hair and as I came out I could hear Matt. He was talking on the phone. I stopped and listened.

"I realise think she's coming."

Coming, coming where?

"Yeah........why did you do that?, it's fine.........okay........see you soon."

He hung up.

Walk, I told myself and I walked casually out to the kitchen where he was.

"Oh, hey." I said, picking up an apple and inspecting it.

"Hey, we gotta go to Zacks."

Oh. I'd forgotten about Zack's thing.

"What is a thing anyway?" I asked.

"An excuse to get drunk." He told me.

I nodded and bit into the apple. Yuck, I'd just cleaned my teeth and it tasted like shit.

Matt was standing there smirking at the face I must have been pulling.

"Don't eat it." He said, holding his hand out.

I put the apple in his hand and he looked down at it.

"Gabby, I didn't want the apple." He said putting it on the bench. "I wanted you."

Oh. I giggled silently in my head and as he held his hand out again I took it.

He pulled me into his arms and I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I told him.

"Nothing." He smiled. "Nothing."

"Nope." I said looking up at him. "Nothi..."

He cut me off with his lips. God yes, he was kissing me again and it was no friend kiss.

I put my hands on his chest, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him as close as I could .

"You coming to Zack's?" He murmured against my lips.

"Yes, yes I am." I whispered, kissing him again.

He pulled me closer and we just stood there in the kitchen kissing.

This was perfect. Matt was perfect.

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