Chapter 42

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"Excuse me?" I asked him.
"I said." He growled. "Are you back with Brian?"
How dare he. Who did he think he was?
"How is this any of your business?"
"Your right." He snapped. "It's not."
I watched him turn and walk back down the path.
"And for your information." I called after him. "We're not." And I quickly slammed the door, fighting back tears.
Why did he have to show up here, acting like an ass?
I started away from the door when the bell rang again.
I threw the door open. "WHAT DO YOU WANT MATT?"
He didn't answer, he just pushed past me and walked down the hall.
"What do you think your doing?" I asked, following him.
He didn't answer he just walked into my bedroom and turned on the light. He stood there and looked around.
"See." I screeched. "He's not here."
He just glanced at me then walked to the wardrobe, pulling out my bags. He threw them onto the bed.
"Matthew, what are you doing?"
He grabbed an armful of my clothes, shoving them into the bag.
"You're coming home." He said gruffly.
"You're coming home Gabrielle, tonight, right now."
"No I'm not." I snapped, I was not going anywhere.
He ignored me and just kept stuffing clothes into the bag.
"Stop." I cried, grabbing at his arms.
"No." He snapped. "No I won't stop, you're coming and that's all there is to it."
Was he serious? Had he forgotten I'd caught him cheating?
"Gabby." He said grabbing more stuff. "I did not cheat on you. I would never cheat on you." He stopped and looked at me. "You are the only person I want. I don't want anybody else. I'm not interested in anybody else, because if you're around, if you're in a room, even a room with a thousand people you are the only person I see."
Did he just say he didn't cheat?
"Gabby." He said softly. "I love you. I can't stand being apart from you. It feels like something is missing."
"I know." I whispered.
"Baby." He murmured, reaching out and pulling me into his arms. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other hand went into my hair.
He stood there looking in my eyes. "Gabby, I love you, I can't function without you, please come home."
He buried his face in my neck and it felt so good, to be touching him again.
"I missed you so much." He murmured in my ear.
I'd missed him so much, too much.
Before I could answer, before I could tell him that I couldn't live without him he pressed his lips softly to mine.
I sighed.
This was home. His kisses were home.
Matt was home.

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