Chapter 12- Pregnant too?!

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"What is it?"
"Umm... well, it's something Libby told me about a week ago. Ry, she told me she's pregnant."

"Wha..? Are you...?" Knowing what else I knew, I couldn't bring myself to finish that question.
"You mean, am I the father? She says yes, but I'm not sure. Ryles, I told her I want a paternity test to prove one way or the other."

"But what do you believe?"
"I don't know what to think. I mean, I don't think I am. It's not possible, but on the other hand, Libby will definitely use it against me."

Before I knew it, Hunter was headed back to the hotel he was staying in till he traveled back to Nashville. Once he left, I realized now I was even more unsure I could ever tell him about me. Until I looked down from where I was lying on my side on the couch and saw the corner of a piece of paper. I sat up, picked it up and instantly recognized what it was.

As soon as I had it in my hand, I realized it was a sonogram. Once I'd seen the name at the top, I knew it wasn't mine. It said, 'L.Barnes'. Hunter must have dropped on his way out the door. As I stared at it, suddenly I realized something about it looked weird and on a hunch I walked into my bedroom to grab my own.

Armed with new information, I got into my car and drove to that hotel that Hunter had gone to. Once I got there and parked, I rode the elevator up to the 4th floor where I walked down the hall to room 412 and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling inside the room before the door finally opened.

"Ryles?! What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in? I need to tell you something."
"Sure, come on in."

I walked over to his couch and sat down while he shut and locked the door and came over to sit down next to me.
"Ok, I should have told you this before, but you caught me off guard with your news. And I admit I was a little sad and upset. But Libby's not the only one with big news. Hunter, I'm pregnant too."

His jaw dropped as I said it, so I continued,
"I think I have proof though that you're not the father of Libby's baby."

"What? How?"
"Cause I found this that I assume you dropped as you left my apartment."

"Oh, yeah, her sonogram. But how does that prove anything?"
"By itself, it doesn't. But compared to mine, yeah, it does." I handed both sonograms to him. He stared at them for a while but didn't seem to follow my line of thought.

"You don't get it, do you?"
"No, Ry, I don't."

"Alright, well, first, remember you were here a month and a half ago?"
"Yeah, I remember."

"Well, I went to the doctor about a week ago. And she told me at the time I was 6 weeks pregnant, which now makes me 7 weeks. Which means my baby was conceived at the same time that you were home in Lousiana. And I'll remind you that I haven't so much as even dated anyone else, well, probably ever."
"So, that means I'm the father of your baby, right? But what about Libby?"

"I noticed on her sonogram that she went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago. Does that sound about right?"
"I don't know for sure, but it sounds possible."

"Ok, so, when she was at the doctor's, she was told that she was 5 weeks along. Hunter, that only means one thing. Now, she's also 7 weeks along. Same as me. You were here, with me, that whole week. You can't possibly be the father of her baby. Unless somehow you were two places at once."

"So, she made it up?"
"I doubt it. Based on the sonogram, she probably really is pregnant. Just not with your baby."
"That's a relief. What, that means, I can break up with Libby without her being able to blackmail me."

Both of us now understanding what that meant for the whole 'Libby' situation, we relaxed and I soon curled up in the hotel bed. Hunter soon joined me and curled up behind me in the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I reached for and placed his hand on my as yet, non-existent baby bump.

A/N: Told you there was lots more drama coming... Think that's the end of the drama?
Nope. Still plenty to come... At least in my head there is... I have more big plans for Hunter & Ryleigh....

Updated A/N: While there is still lots more drama coming, and I have through chapter 21 ready to post, I'll probably space out my updates since I've hit some writer's block after that...

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