Chapter 33- Home again!

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I tossed my book down, not caring what happened to it,
"Hunter? You're awake," I stood up and took his hand in both of mine, trying to fight back tears.

He pulled down on my hand to make me sit down on the bed next to him. With his other hand shaking, he reached it up to wipe the tears that had started rolling down my cheeks.
"Don't cry, Ry, I'm here. I'm alive and awake. We're going to be ok. All three of us. Where is Emmy?"

"The doctor said she should go back home until after you were awake. So, she's staying with your parents. They'll bring her by tomorrow. She was so worried about losing you. So was I."
"Yeah, well, I'm not going anywhere yet."

"There is something I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
"When you said, 'All three of us.', it struck me. That won't be true much longer."

"What are you talking about?"
"I mean, in about 7 and a half months, it'll be four of us."

"Do you mean.." He couldn't finish his thought, so I continued,
"Yeah, I'm pregnant. I had found out just before I knew about your car crash and I left you a voicemail saying that I needed to tell you something in person. But then, of course, I found out that you were here in a coma."

2 months later, Hunter is still in the hospital. Though we just found out that today is the day he gets released to go back home. The doctor did tell us that he hasn't, however, been cleared to continue touring and everything he was doing before the accident.

He still has to rest, but at least he gets to spend time with his family instead of in that stuffy hospital room. In case you're wondering, I'm about 4 months pregnant now. The baby and I are healthy and this time there is very minimal risk.

I stood beside the bed, while we waited for the doctor to sign the official release papers. The nurse helped him into the wheelchair, while I picked up my bag along with Hunter's backpack filled with everything he'd had with him when he was rushed to the hospital.

The nurse helped to roll him out the waiting car where Lynette and Leo Hayes were waiting for us with Emmy. As soon as we were outside, almost to the car, Emmy opened the back door and ran to Hunter.

"Dada! Grammy said you are coming home!" She tried to hug his legs without hurting the one in a cast, until he lifted her onto his lap. After hugging her, he finally set her down as the nurse and I helped him stand up and climb into the SUV. As he was settling in, Emmy asked,
"Momma, can Dada sit in the middle? So both of us can sit next to him?"

Before I could answer, Hunter chuckled and said to her,
"I think that could be arranged," He slowly slid over, careful not to jostle his healing leg. He patted the seat to his right, as I lifted the booster seat from the floor and helped Emmy into it, buckling her in before shutting the door and walking around to the other side of the car.

As Leo started driving us home, I watched her snuggle as close to Hunter as her booster would allow and rest her head into his side. I rested mine on his other shoulder, as he wrapped one arm around each of us.

By the time we got home, Emmy had fallen fast asleep so, Lynette lifted her little granddaughter out of the car, unlocked the front door and carried her up to her bedroom while Leo and I helped Hunter out of the car.

We helped him walk slowly up the front steps, and up to his old bedroom where I continued helping him to settle down onto the bed. As I turned to leave the room to let him rest, he reached for my hand and pulled me back toward him.

"Ryles, don't leave. Stay with me."
"Let me go get changed into something more comfortable. And check on Emmy and I'll be right back."

Emmy was already curled on top of her comforter, fast asleep. So, I lifted her and settled back down underneath. Then I tiptoed into the bathroom, slid into yoga pants and lightweight long sleeve cotton tee. By the time I made it back, Hunter was already asleep.

I crawled in, my back to him and grabbed his hand, wrapping it around me, placing it protectively against my belly. The next thing I remember is waking up on my back, his hand still on my belly, now rubbing it.

I shifted his hand just in time for him to feel a kick. We both lay there just feeling her kick inside me. I know what you're thinking, we don't know yet whether we're having a girl or boy this time, but somehow calling this baby, 'it', just doesn't seem right.

A/N: She told him and Hunter's finally coming home!! Another sweet filler moment for him and Ryleigh! Will that baby be another girl or a boy this time? What do you think?

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