Chapter 16- Baby....?!

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2 months later, I'm now 7 months pregnant and no longer on tour with Hunter. I'll be staying in Nashville with his parents until the baby is born. Right now Lynette insisted on driving me to my doctors appointment.

"You know you don't have to come with me, right?"
"I know, Ryleigh. But I wanted to, and Hunter called. He may have insisted that since he couldn't go with you, you still shouldn't go alone."
"It figures. He would say that."

"He really did want to come with you, but he also knew he couldn't leave the tour yet. He told me he does plan to be here to welcome this little baby into the world."

"I know. I do wish he was here. I miss him a lot more than I even thought I would."
"And I know he misses you too. So, are going to find out if it's a girl or boy today?"
"I am, but I'm not going to tell Hunter right away."

15 minutes later, we pulled up to the hospital where I walked into my doctor's office. She immediately stood up, shook my hand and said,
"Ryleigh, we're finding out if you're having a boy or girl today, right?"
"Yes, we are."

"And is the father here today?"
"Unfortunately not. He's on tour at the moment in California."
"Well, I'm sure he wishes he was here."
"Yeah, he does. But can we just do this, so I can go call him?"

"Sure." And I sat down on the bed in her office and rolled my shirt up just past my belly so she could perform the ultrasound to see my baby. 20 minutes later, I was staring at the baby on her monitor as she said,

"Congrats, you are going to be the proud momma of a beautiful baby...."

A/N: I know, ANOTHER cliffhanger... I couldn't help myself. But you didn't really think I'd just end the chapter telling you if it's a girl or boy, did you?
So, what do you think? Which do you think it'll be, a girl or boy?
And what do you think they'll name it?

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