Chapter 34- New baby...?

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3 months later, of course, now I'm 7 months pregnant. It's a lazy fall morning. I woke up first, when Emmy came in, moving to my side of the bed. I had been laying there awake for a little while anyway, so, I motioned for her to be quiet and sat up. Glancing over to see that Hunter was still asleep, I stood up and ushered her out of the room. As we made it down to the kitchen, I began to make her scrambled eggs while she grabbed her coloring book and crayons. As I watched her eat, I could hear Hunter stirring upstairs.

I know he's been going stir crazy over the past couple months especially, not being able to get into an official studio or going on tour right now. He has been playing still, of course, as well as continuing his songwriting. And to pass the time, he's been teaching Emmy to play a miniature version of his favorite guitar.

Finally, a month after that, while I'm 8 months, Hunter got the doctor's permission to resume some studio activity. That's where he goes now, every morning. Where he is this morning. I've been sitting in bed, staring at my ring and holding my belly. Feeling that precious baby kick inside me. That precious baby boy. That's right, I found out a couple weeks ago. Hunter doesn't know yet, I want it to be a surprise for him.

I also have a name already picked out but I know he'll like it. Suddenly, as I sat there, I felt something that I haven't felt since, well, since I met Emmy for the first time. It's time. I called to Lynette and told her as I continued packing up what I'd had ready for several months. She told her husband as they gathered a few things and got their granddaughter ready. While I called Hunter next. I heard 2 rings, then,

"Ryles? What is it?"

"Hunt, I know it's too early, but.."

"You mean..?"

"Yeah, just meet us at the hospital. Get Devon to drive you. You know you're not supposed to yet."

"I know, we'll meet you there."

8 hours later, I was being wheeled into a recovery room with that baby boy. Once we made to the room, and the nurses settled me in with my son in my arms, Hunter once again stood right beside my bed. I subtly watched him watching us, a small smile on his face. Until I said,

"Do you want to hold your son?"

He just stared right me, this time, until finally he could answer,

"Of course I do."

I pulled him closer, and positioned the precious, sleeping little bundle in his arm. Now it was my turn to watch him watching our son. This time, until the nurse walked in to fill out the birth certificate.

"So, what are you going to name him?"

Hunter looked at me, "Ry, we never decided on a final name."

"No, we didn't. But, I kinda did. And I think you might like it."

"Well, what is it?"

"Easton Michael. Write Easton Michael Hayes on the certificate." She agreed and wrote it out before leaving again to get the doctor to sign the bottom. As she did, Hunter said,

"That's why you didn't want to tell me your idea. I love it, Ryles. I love that you wanted to name him after me. But I'm glad you didn't want to give him my first name."

"Yeah, I figured one famous person in my family was enough. And giving him your middle name seemed like the best way to name him after you but keep him out of the direct spotlight. Of course, Michael is my father's name. You remember we found out about my dad having terminal cancer? Well, I wanted our son to have some part of the grandfather he may never know."

A/N: Sweet moment after their son's birth between Hunter and Ryleigh!! Pic below is little Easton!

A/N: Sweet moment after their son's birth between Hunter and Ryleigh!! Pic below is little Easton!

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