// thirty-five //

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•When The End Comes•



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R E I N A  D I D N 'T  W A N T  T H I S  T O  F E E L  L I K E  T H E  E N D. She had so much left to tell in her story, but graduation already passed and she would soon be moving to London, where her dreams to become a designer may or may not come true. After a year of constant pain and longing, and change, Reina didn't strive to become famous anymore, she just wanted to learn how to sew better and be good at what she loved. Reina didn't want to become a famous designer (though nobody said she wouldn't enjoy it if it would happen), the girl knew she'd be just as happy working in some shop, seeing happy faces when they'd like what she made.

After a long time, Reina grew and learnt what was far more important - seeing others around her happy. It took her a while to realize what was far more important in life, and even if many times she was late, Reina eventually grasped on her life and became happier herself.

Or at least Reina tried to be happy again, because Polo's death still hurt her a lot. It was understandable why - so little time had passed since he was gone from her life, creating a big hole in her heart where he was previously all this long time. Even if Reina regretted a lot, in the end, Salvador's words were right. Time would heal the wounds and she had to be happy she got to spend time with Polo at all. That she had time to love him.

Reina smiled as she looked at the mirror of her bedroom, standing in a beautiful black dress, her hair down and combed beautifully. She stared at her brown eyes, trying to be strong, because she shed so many tears already. Reina knew Polo would've hated seeing her this upset, he had to rest wherever he was and her tears wouldn't allow him to finally be happy.

So, sighing and controlling her trembling pain, Reina smiled to the mirror, hoping Polo was able to see it. She wasn't a strong believer in the life after, but to calm herself down, to think Polo didn't vanish into nothing, Reina thought he was near somewhere, looking at her with that smile of his, his blue doe eyes beautifully reflecting the sunlight that beamed through the window. The day was incredibly beautiful but Reina couldn't help but feel sentimental, remembering all the good memories she had with her friends, but especially with Polo.

Before all the pain and mistakes. The memories warmed Reina's broken heart and she moved away from the mirror, walking out of her bedroom.

All of her family were already waiting in the living room, wearing their funeral attires, Susana frowning deeply when she saw Reina enter with a calmly sad look on her face. "Hey, sweetheart," Susana mused gently, taking a step forward as Reina walked straight into her mother, hugging Susana tightly. "Hey..."

Reina closed her eyes tightly, trying not to cry because this wasn't be what Polo would want for her. Susana continued to hold Reina tightly, knowing how much it must have hurt. "We'll buy the flowers on the way to the cemetery," Susana then commented when Reina pulled away, blinking away her tears.

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