// thirty-two //

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•Born To Die•



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R E I N A  remained seated at the booth with Valerio coming back then going to check on his sister again. The two wouldn't say a word to each other because Reina was still clearly not ready to talk. She was in pain, Valerio wasn't blind to see that, and it killed him to see her suppress everything she was feeling at that moment. Valerio wanted to tell her that it was okay to cry, that nobody would ever suspect her of anything, that he'd defend her if it meant he'd go to jail himself, but he also knew she'd break if she'd show emotion. And they couldn't afford someone to loose themselves, there was too much at risk.

Valerio hated how everything turned out, but he knew he'd never give up on a girl, who saved his life, showed him that family wasn't just blood. Someone he knew that falling in love for was his best most rational decision ever made. Sitting down next to Reina again, Valerio glanced at her open eyes, still so dry even if a whole ocean piled up there. "Cayetana's down there already," he informed quietly, looking at the redhead's dull expression. "Everything will be over soon."

Reina glanced at Valerio slowly when he took her hand into his, squeezing it gently, still worried to feel it shake as if she was constantly being electrocuted. "Sweetheart..." Valerio trailed off sadly, leaning closer towards her as Reina continued to stare at him without any emotion on her face, not an ounce of sadness present even if her eyes held all of it.

"I got in," Reina then whispered, wanting to tell him even if getting into a university was last on her mind. Valerio quickly pulled away to look at her, Reina holding no happiness on her face so he smiled, trying to lighten up the mood just a little bit. Reina glanced away as Valerio wrapped his arm around her body, bringing her towards him as Reina didn't oppose. Quite frankly, she needed someone even if Valerio was last on her mind.

The pain in her chest was so big and yet still so stuck that Reina wondered when this would all explode. Reina waited for it, she didn't care when, even if others were worried she'd break at the wrong time. Reina didn't care, Polo was dead and that's all that mattered. "Really? That's amazing," Valerio smiled gently, kissing her temple as Reina continued to stay in his embrace, keeping her hands to herself.

Reina felt so cold, not even Valerio's jacket that she now wore could warm her, the constant shaking leaving the redhead to feel her teeth gritting. "Is it?" Reina questioned dully, not meeting Valerio's eyes as she stared at the broken glass, Guzman standing in front of him. "I should be happy, I should be happy I achieved my dream, but all I can feel right now is absolutely nothing. I can't... I can't react."

Valerio frowned deeply, trying to make Reina look at him, but she didn't budge, not wanting to snap just by seeing someone who cut her last goodbye with Polo short. She could've done so much more, but she failed. "It's my fault he came," Reina then whispered emotionlessly, Valerio looking at her with a shake of his head. "I encouraged him, I told him I'd be there with him, but he's dead now..."

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