// eight //

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•Tastefully Depressed•



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K N O W I N G L I F E still continued to laugh at Reina, she tried to smile harder, thinking that others didn't deserve the hell she was still feeling, after all this time. Ander's cancer brought more pain, causing the girl to hope he'd be able to pass this. Maria was still sick, however, and now another person with the same sickness left a bitter taste in Reina's mouth.

But Reina tried, she tried to live on like Salvador advised, hoping that soon finally a better tomorrow will come. Unfortunately, Reina was slowly sick of waiting.

It was morning in the apartment of the women, still so eventful and loud as always. Reina entered the kitchen with a sleepy face, noticing just Maria and Susana since Gabriela spent a night at her girlfriend's. The redhead yawned and joined Maria at the table, kissing her shaved head, giving her little sister a sad smile. "Morning," Susana greeted, immediately noticing something be wrong with Reina, her eyes sleepless like they always were before the pills. "Everything alright?"

Reina thanked her mom for the breakfast in front of her and began to eat slowly, wanting to go to school sooner just so she could help Ander. His sickness may have been terrible news, but at least Reina felt like she had a new purpose, one that didn't let her think about Valerio or Polo. She knew it was wrong to put her attention back to Ander, because he could misunderstand, but Reina was just going to be there for the boy. They were past their love to one another and Reina knew he'd have to stick with her even if he didn't want.

Reina continued to eat, quiet and deep in mind, trying to stop the knocking pain, Susana noticing her daughter look sad once again. "Are you still drinking your medication?" Susana began, thinking that something like her pills had to do with Reina's changed mood again.

The redhead didn't know if it was okay to say something Ander clearly wanted to be kept a secret, but it was just her mother and Maria, who'd eventually meet Ander soon enough. "Of course," Reina answered, eating her oatmeal, glancing at Maria's skinny face, her skin pale and tired.

Reina frowned despite knowing Maria could see and hate it, but she couldn't help but imagine Ander going through the same thing soon enough. It sucked enough as it was to have a parasite in your body like cancer, what to think about pumping chemicals to fight it off. "Then what's wrong?" Susana asked, deciding she had to be done with jumping around the problem since it often left others hurt.

Reina glanced back at her mom tiredly, deciding Susana wouldn't blabber anyone else. She trusted her mother, Maria too. "I just got some bad news yesterday, that is all," she admitted, sighing so Susana's eyes grew worried the instant Reina said these words. "Ander has cancer. Just don't tell anyone I've told you, he wants this private."

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