// twenty-six //

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•Maybe, In Another Lifetime•



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S U D D E N L Y  L I F E turned shitty again, but at least Reina still had Valerio by her side. The female tried to get rid of the shaking she experienced after seeing Polo look so stiff, her body going into shock. Seeing him like this brought Reina all the assurance she needed in the world to know she still cared deeply about Polo, not that she had ever stopped.

This was their last day but Reina was sure she'd never want it to end, no matter how bad it already was going. This was almost her last day seeing Polo, and she wanted it to last, even if it was incredibly selfish.

Reina had to be there for Valerio more, because her biggest fear actually came true. She knew selling drugs in school would end up in a tragedy, and now Rebeca and Valerio were probably going to be expelled. Reina tried to be there for Valerio, nevertheless, sitting next to him as he and Rebeca waited for Azucena to call them into her office.

Valerio looked upset, obviously, his dream to study in London alongside Reina just a dream now. It hurt Reina's heart, but she hoped for him to be alright, she wasn't going to leave him even if he got expelled.

Reina continued to stroke his shoulders as he sat sideways from her, his body tense. The redhead wondered why he was so quiet and whether it was the fact that he saw Reina cry upon seeing Polo or rush to him as if he was her boyfriend and not Valerio. The redhead felt stupid and guilty, but she wasn't able to control her emotions and seeing Polo hurt awakened her worry she had tried to bury so hard. Reina hoped that by this she didn't ruin something with her boyfriend, who she did love a lot and didn't want to loose.

Reina placed her lips on his shoulder, planting a supportive kiss so Valerio finally turned his head back at her, Reina giving him a sad smile. "Your dad's gonna kill me," he whispered dully so Reina raised her head up and hugged him from behind, chuckling as if this whole matter was barely anything.

"He'll have to go through me then," she joked, her hands tight around his waist as Valerio smiled gently, resting his forehead against hers.

Reina closed her eyes, trying to feel okay even if her heart hurt for Valerio. Even if he still had money from his deals, no university would take it after such a record. Reina was glad Azucena wasn't pressing legal charges and keeping it low key, everything to keep Las Encinas image pure.

Rebeca continued to stare at a man, who ironically was putting up Graduation posters on the walls, the brunette scoffing at this gesture. Reina looked at Rebeca sadly, who watched the man walk away until she received a phone call, looking at her phone. "Sure, private number," Rebeca mused dully, ending the call. "There's no fucking way I'm answering that. I already have a phone plan."

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