Passing out in your cold boyfriend's arms:Namjoon

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It has been 3 months since you saw namjoon. And you, and Jinyoung were a happy couple. You loved him dearly. But what he did, he brought over girls. And cuddle them, bring them food reject you and watch movies with them. It broke your heart. But you were so blinded by love, you just couldn't break up with him.

Namjoon on the the other hand, found someone. Someone special. Who he knew, would never betray him.

He met, AeCha. His soul mate. His childhood best friend. They have been friend now for 16 years. AeCha confessed her feeling, and namjoon gladly accepted her. He moved on from you and completely shut you out of his life.

You didn't know about his relationship.

But one day, on the news channel. It came. Namjoon revealed his relationship with AeCha. Your eyes widened. Your eyes got all teary.

You tried calling him, but he didn't pick up.

"You will regret this Park AeCha"

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