When he starts being distant:Yoongi

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"Babe! Why are you so distant!?" You yelled.

"I dont want to tell you. Simple"

You stomped your feet and left the scene. You slammed the door of your shared bedroom.

You slid down the door. And started crying.

"Why yoongi? Why?"

You came out after a few hours only to find yoongi on the floor.

"Babe? BABE!"

You put his head on your lap and tapped his cheeks.


You called your classmate namjoon. He was a good friend of yours and yoongi.


He ended and rushed there.

He opened the door only to see a heartbreaking view of his bestfriend. Not in the world anymore.

"It came"
He said.

"What came!?" You yelled.

He came to you and hugged you.

"Yoongi hyung had cancer for a few years now. It was 98 percent chance he would survive. You see everytime he would go out and say he is going to the market. He would go to the doctor. Everytime he felt sick. It was a symptom. He didnt want to tell you so he can spend time with you without any worry. I'm sorry y/n. B-but yoongi hyung i-is not in the world anymore."

You were shook.


"Yoongi please open your eyes. Please tell me it's a dream. Please baby."

You said and caressed his face.

"I love you and goodnight"

At school many were questioning. On why yoongi wasnt coming.

You couldn't tell them he died. Obviously not.

You were getting bullied for being a loner now.

At the end everyone was talking about you. You had enough and screamed.

"Ok he died! Yoongi passed away yesterday night! He isnt here! And you cant shut up your mouths to bug me and him! ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS?! JUST BECAUSE I DONT HAVE HIM ANYMORE DOES THAT GIVE YOU A REASON TO BULLY ME?! YOU ARE FUCKING NUTS. I AM NEVER COMING TO SCHOOL AGAIN! HAVE FUN YOU ASSES!" you yelled and left the school.

You got something off your chest. But yoongi's death. Is something you will never get over. Only thing left to do.

Is to die on your own

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