ṃѧғıѧ'ṡ ғıяṡṭ Ԁѧȗɢһṭєя

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"But I did it for good" you tried fighting back, but it's was no luck

"For good? Wow maam, you killed my father. For what? You killed my mother. For what? You killed both my grandpa and grandma. For what? You did it for yourself, for your pleasure. But you didn't know you were putting others in torture. I am not sparing you, I will come back, after a file a case on you!" Jimin yelled and left the house with Yoongi.

Your eyes widened "Case?"

"Fuck fuck fuck! Dad! Come here, we have to move!" He came down and looked at you

"Sweetheart he is just a loser. He can't do anything, and I'm here to protect you, just go to sleep" and kissed your forehead. You nodded and went to bed.


"Didn't you hear me? File a case against her, now" jimin said and yoongi was calming him down

"Yes sir"

Jimin and yoongi got up and went home

"Have fun in jail Kim Y/n"

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