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Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook

"But eomma where is mine-"

"Jimin I already told you. I have none for you. Only for jungkook and taehyung"

"Ah ok"

Again he went to his room holding in his tears

"Eomma but you should give jimin too-"

"Jungkook! Let him be!"

Jungkook nodded and looked down

Skip time

"Hyung? Can I come in?"


Jungkook entered jimin's room And looked at him making cuts on himself

(Btw jimin was 17, tae was 17, And jungkook was 16)

"Hyung! What are you doing! Stop!" Jungkook yelled and looked at jimin

"Jungkook stop, no one loves me, no one cares for me, just get out"

"But hyung-"

"Get out!" Jimin yelled and cut himself more

Jungkook looked down and left the room

"I love you jimin hyung" he said before going to his room"

Skip time: morning, school time

"Where's jimin?"

"In his room" jungkook replied

"Call him, his bus is here"



"Jimin hyung! Your bus is here! Come!"

No response

"Hyung? Please come out"

Still nothing

"Eomma he's not coming"



"Jimin! Are you not going to school? Come out!" Their mom shouted

She sighed and let him be


At school

"Hey jungkook where's jimin?"

"I don't know. He didn't come today"

"Ah okay"


Jungkook and taehyung opened the door and was greeted by their mom holding two give boxes

"My two loves are home! I have some gifts!"

"Wah! Is there one for jimin?"

"No. Now let's go, open them!"

"Eomma I'm tired of this, this whole thing. Why is jimin hyung treated differently then us? Why! He is our brother, my best friend!"


"No eomma, I'm opening that door" he said and opened jimin's door and saw jimin laying there. Lifeless

"Jimin hyung!"

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