⚡Imagine #28 - Harry Potter {Requested}⚡

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by JulzlovDraco4Eva

Thanks for the request and I hope that you like it


"What else are we going to do, Arthur?" Molly asked, desperately, as she took the small baby from Dumbledore's arms. "She's my niece. I can't just leave her without a home."

"But Molly, we've got our own children to think about. Christ, you've not long given birth to your own baby." Molly looked over as Ron stirred in his crib before looking at Arthur. "Arthur, he was my brother. I promised him that if anything happened to him, then I would care for his childlike my own. Afterall, he barely got two minutes with her." She looked down at the baby in her arms. "Don't worry (Y/n)." She cooed, rocking the baby back and forth in her arms. "You've got a home here." Molly looked at Dumbledore, who was smiling, relieved that he'd found (Y/n) a home. 

"Who did it?" She asked, sternly. She was desperate to know. "Who killed my brother, Albus?" Dumbledore looked at her apologetically, understanding how difficult this must have been for her. "Bellatrix." He replied. "Bellatrix Lestrange."

18 Years Later:

"Look at me!" Bellatrix screamed in (Y/n)'s face. Reluctantly, (Y/n) did as she was told. "Now, I'm going to ask you one more time. What else did you take from my vault?! " She screamed the last sentence in (Y/n)'s face, spit flying everywhere, but (Y/n) didn't respond instead just stared at Bellatrix, anger burning up inside her; her face was the last one that her parents saw before Bellatrix murdered them in cold blood. 

"Tell her (Y/n)!" Ron screamed across the room. "Tell her we didn't take anything else! Why are you just standing there?" One of the death eaters hit Ron, causing him to fall to the floor. "Ron!" (Y/n) said as she watched them pick up her cousin. Bellatrix walked towards Ron and Hermione. "Take them to the dungeon." She spat. Across the room, Harry shouted in protest as the pair of you watched Hermione and Ron get dragged away. "Draco! Shut him up." Bellatrix said and (Y/n) watched as Draco gave Harry an apologetic look before hitting him. Draco knew that it was them, but hadn't told anyone, deep down, he didn't want to see anyone getting hurt. Bellatrix walked back over to (Y/n). "(Y/n), is it?" She asked, and (Y/n) nodded in reply. It took Bellatrix a minute before her eyes widened and she smiled. "How's Mum and Dad?" (Y/n) ran at her but was dragged back by a death eater. "Oh right, they're dead." Bellatrix laughed. "Ooh, you are just a feisty as your mother was."

(Y/n) couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. She would not allow her parent's names to be spoken about this way. "Now, (Y/n), answer my question."

"I didn't take anything." She replied, trying to get free from the death eater's grip. "There was nothing there worth taking." Bellatrix slapped her before grabbing her hair and throwing her to the ground. "How dare you!" She said as she began torturing (Y/n) in any way that she could. "Now you'll understand how your parents suffered before they stopped breathing."

"(Y/n)!" Harry screamed across the room. He hated seeing her like this and he couldn't bear to lose her. "Stop it!" Bellatrix looked up and smiled. 

"Aww. A little love story in the making." She pouted. "How precious." She grabbed (Y/n)'s hair and lifted her up, pointing her towards Harry. "Say goodbye to loverboy." Harry punched Draco and ran over to Bellatrix. "Expelliarmus!" He disarmed her and grabbed (Y/n). "I've got you." He said, kissing the top of her head. Together, they fought off death eaters and ran down to the dungeons where Dobby was with Hermione and Ron. The five of them apparated and ended up on a beach. "Are you okay?" Harry asked, desperately.

"Yeah, I'm okay." (Y/n) said as he took her by surprise and kissed her. Before he could apologise, (Y/n) leaned in and kissed him back. "You've no idea how long I've waited for that..."

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