⚡Imagine #40 - Fred Weasley⚡

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"(Y/n)" Umbridge spat your name out of those shrivelled-up lips as though they were poison in her mouth. "You're late."

"Sorry Professor," You muttered. "Professor Snape kept me behind in Potions,"

"Don't lie!" She shouted, shocking you. 

"I'm not--" You tried to argue back.

"Silence!" She continued to shout before she let out a small giggle. "You may sit next to Mr Weasley." You looked over to see Fred, who smiled at you and gave a small wave. The only way that you were able to decipher him from George, was because the two of you had been in Defence Against the Dark Arts this morning, slagging off Umbridge; hence why you were both here now. "I'm well aware that you are already familiar with Geor-" She stopped and looked at Fred, who was now smiling at her, his chin resting on his hand. "Fred?" She questioned herself before waving her arms in the arm. "Who cares which Weasley you are? (Y/n), sit and shut up." You sat next to Fred, who was laughing. He nudged you as you turned your attention to Umbridge who was pacing back and forth in the classroom. There were about 6 students, including you and Fred in this classroom; all of which were watching her intensely. "I want all of you to write lines today." She said eventually, making herself giggle again. 

"Clearly she had no friends as a child if she thinks that hilarious." You muttered to Fred, who burst out laughing. Umbridge turned around. "What was that, (Y/n)?" She hit her hand with her wand. "Is there something you want to share with the group?"

"Nothing, Professor." You smiled, trying to suppress your laugh. You bit down on your lip to try and stop yourself, but you noticed Fred watching you and smiling. "Stand up," Umbridge said, waving her finger at you. "Stand up!" You stood up and watched her as she walked toward you. 

"Seeing as you think it's acceptable to arrive late to my detention, you will be punished by writing as many lines as everyone else," She stopped and smiled. "Until your hand gets sore, that is."

"I told you, Professor Snape kept me behind-"

"Lies!" Umbridge shouted. "Deep down, (Y/n), you know that you deserve to be punished for your actions. Sit down." You sat down as she addressed the classroom once more. 

"I want everyone to write 'I must not misbehave' one hundred times." She looked at you. "Apart from you. I want you, (Y/n), to write 'I must not tell lies' until you can't write anymore." She laughed again. "Now, get on with it, all of you."

You all began writing. Each and every one of you were scribbling on your parchment, desperate to get out of the classroom as soon as possible. After writing about five lines, your hand was stinging and becoming redder. "(Y/n), your hand is bleeding," Fred whispered, lifting up your hand to show you blood slowly formed. You looked towards Umbridge, but she had her back turned to you. You looked back to your hands to see that the words "I must not tell lies" were being etched into your skin. "Fred," You said, panicking. "Fred, it hurts." 

Fred stood up abruptly. "Is there a problem, Mr Weasley?" Umbridge said, smiling as she turned her attention to him. "What are you doing? Make it stop!" 

"Whatever do you mean?" She walked towards you. "Is there a problem?" She moved her hand to pick up yours. "Don't touch them," Fred said, pushing her hand away. "Touch them, and your dead." 

Umbridge giggled. "My, my. You are a feisty one, aren't you?" Her expression changed very quickly. "My office, now."

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