⚡Imagine #9 - Ron and Hermione⚡

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{Don't leave}

Hermione and Harry had been discussing the sword belonging to Godric Gryffindor and for the first time in ages, they felt as though they were getting somewhere in their mission for find and destroy horcruxes and most importantly defeat Voldemort.

Hermione had left the get another book out of her bag, when Ron approached Harry, who was at reading one of the other books that Hermione had. "Hey Ron." Harry said. "I think that we're getting onto the right track." 

"Oh, so you do know that I'm still here?" Ron said, bitterly. Harry looked up from the book. 

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, closing the book. "Of course we knew that you were here." Ron gave a small laugh. "Didn't feel like it." His face was emotionless. 

"Ron..." Harry began, looking at the horcrux that was hanging around his neck. "Take off the horcrux."

"Do you actually know what you're doing?" Ron asked, ignoring Harry and clutching at the horcrux. "Because it feels like we're on some kind of wild goose chase. I thought that Dumbledore would have helped you out a bit more." By now he was shouting and he threw one of the books at Harry. Harry stood up in anger. "Take off the horcurx, Ron. It's making you angry."

"What's going on here?" Hermione said, coming back with another book in her hands. "I heard shouting."

"Ron won't take off the horcrux." Harry tole her as she placed the book on the table. Hermione looked at Ron. "I hate this!" Ron said. 

"Well, that's not my fault. You knew what we're going to have to do. You knew that we weren't going to be staying in some posh hotel or that you probably wouldn't be at home for Christmas dinner." Harry told Ron as Hermione tried to take the Horcrux from around his neck but he kept pushing her away. 

"At least I have a mum." Ron muttered under his breath but Harry heard. 

"Say that again!" He demanded, swinging for Ron but Hermione got in between them. 

"Stop it! Stop it at once!" She shouted, before looking at Ron. "Take it off, now." 

Ron looked at Hermione and then Harry. "I see what's going on here." He said. "I'll get out of your hair." He took off the Horcrux and threw it at Hermione, before heading towards the door. "Ron. Where are you going?" Hermione asked, getting upset.

"I'm leaving." He replied simply. Harry remained silent. 


"I'm leaving. I'm only getting in your way." With that he left. Hermione looked at Harry, desperately before running after him. Harry could here Hermione shouting after him. "Ron! Don't leave, please. We can sort this out together! Ron!" 

Word Count: 456

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