The Kissing Booth - Part 2

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Elle POV 

We broke apart catching up on our breaths and smiling at each other at the same time. 

"Wow" Noah said "You're getting better at that every time we kiss" 

I was already blushing, but this gave me butterflies in my stomach. 

We turned to stare at the crowd as they continued hooting and my smile turned upside down. Just as Noah's did too when we spotted that one too familiar face in utter shock staring back at us, while the crowd gradually started dispersing and only familiar faces stayed back. 

Noah recovered, but I stayed glued to my spot. This was my worst nightmare coming true. i had wanted to tell Lee about Noah and I in the most civilized way possible, hoping he'd understand but not this way in the least. 

Noah held my hand, trying to intertwine his fingers in mine, but I was in too much shock to respond. 

"It's time, Elle." he whispered to me. "Let's go talk to him." Noah looked down at me, I looked at him, tears flowing down my cheeks. He wiped my tears, but I pushed his hand away. 


I jerked Noah's hand away, left the hand that held my hand and ran towards Lee who was already walking towards the exit. 

"Lee, stop. I can explain." I ran behind Lee with tears in my eyes as he stopped and turned to yell at me. Rachel looked at both  of us confused. I ran towards Lee as he stormed towards the exit of the lawn. I had never seen him this upset. 

"Lee, please stop" I stopped to catch my breath and shout for him to stop as he approached his stang. 

"What can you explain, Elle? It was the alcohol, at the party, what was it today? Peer pressure? Definitely didn't seem like it. You guys looked very comfortable, as if it were a daily occurrence." Lee yelled at me. 

"It's not what it looks like." I said. 

"Honestly, I don't care. I thought I was protecting you from being one of the girls who falls victim to my brother, those desperate sluts he has ogling at him all the time. You know what that is like and still you fell for his ways? I never thought you'd be one of them. You knew better, guess i was wrong." He barked 

"Lee" I shouted. "What the hell are you saying?" I said hurt, very hurt. 

"That's what it looked like, Elle. Leave me alone." he growled at me and drove away. 

I felt the ground shake beneath my feet. I would've lost balance and collapsed but I felt an unfamiliar pair of arms hold me from falling. I didn't know who it was, I faintly registered it to be Lucas, I only remember him putting me in his car and starting the car and driving away. 

Noah POV 

"She's gone. She's really gone, again." Noah whispered to himself as he sat down on the stairs of the booth. Hayley quickly ran to his side. 

"Noah, give her time. She promised you, she will not panic, right? Calm down. Maybe go home and talk to Lee. I think you owe him an explanation just as much as Elle does." 

As I walked towards the exit, towards my bike, I crossed the girl who had kissed Lee. 

"Hey Flynn" she stopped me as I was passing her. 

"Yeah" I stopped 

"Rachel, she answered looking at the confused look on my face. 

"Uh, Hi. Look, I gotta go." I said with urgency

"Uh yeah I got that. Is Lee okay?" she asked concerned. "He didn't seem too pleased with what he saw." 

"It's a little complicated, Rachel. how about we see you later?  We got to go right now, but I promise, I will tell Lee to call you. I promise." she squeezed my hand in thanks and smiled as she saw Hayley and I sit on my bike and ride away. 

We entered the house and it was eerily silent. Lee hadn't even bothered to park his car correctly. It was diagonally parked and was blocking the slope on the drive way. 

"I'll go check on Elle, you go check on Lee" Hayley said and I braced myself for the biggest brother talk of my life. 

The last time Lee had fought with me was when Elle sat with me on the ferris wheel on my birthday and the fact that he rode alone, was something he could not stand. And then as the year's passed, they became a stronger unit and Elle gradually distanced from me and favored Lee always. I too am reason for the distance, because I had other friends and football camp and everything else, but Elle and Lee were always together. The only other times when Lee ever spoke to me about Elle was on their birthdays during our pictures and now most recently, after the fight with Tuppen. 

Lee was very, very possessive about Elle and always protective of her. When she had fallen off from her bike, he had stayed over at the Flynn's house until Elle was better. When she didn't want to learn how to drive because she wasn't confident enough, he stood up and said he'd pick her, drop her and give her a ride whenever she wanted. He had always been there for her, and I had seen that first-hand. And so, as I made my way up to his room, to ask for his permission to date his best friend, deep down I knew it wasn't going to be an easy conversation, especially given how things came his way and there was so much he didn't know. 

Elle would've probably wanted to have this conversation with him first, but something told me I had to man up and how. It were now or never. And there was another decision, I had to make, which depended on how this conversation went too. But that decision could wait. 


I knocked on his door, when he didn't respond for 2 minutes, I pushed the door open and saw him staring into the wall while sitting on his study table.

"Hey" I said softy.

"Why are you here, Noah? Got over the latest girl falling at your feet so fast?" he spat 

"Lee, that's Elle you're talking about." I said offended at him talking about Elle like that. 

"Why are you here?" 

"Because we need to talk, Lee. And it's better if we do." 

"What are you here to tell me? That you want to get into my best friends pants and make her one of your conquests?" 

"Lee. Stop it. I came here to have a civilized conversation. But I guess you don't know what that means." 

"Oh you're the one to talk. Who is all over girls all the time, making out at the drop of a hat. Who doesn't realize that Elle has had a crush on you since forever and you still targeted her and now she's just another one of your make-out girls." 

"Lee, that's enough. Look, calm down and hear me out okay?" I took a couple deep breaths and braced myself as I told Lee that we had been dating for a while now and that we loved each other and wanted to see where it went. 


You're gonna thank me one day - A Kissing Booth FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon