What was this for?

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Noah POV 

Lucas was back? This wasn't good. He and I used to be on the football team together. I mean, I don't doubt Elle's feelings for me one bit, but just even the thought of Elle possibly having something for him/with him in the past was getting me all worked up. And Lee's declaration of Lucas being Elle's "eternal lover" didn't help either. 

What Elle and Lee never knew was that he did have feelings for Elle and had once asked for my help considering our team-mate equation to have him be set-up with Elle. I obviously didn't. I shunned him away with different ways. But, now in hindsight, I should've pulled my mighty Flynn and winged him away like I've been with the other guys who ever tried to hit on my Elle. C'mon, it worked out, didn't it? You, you reading this, also back me on this, don't you? 

My ways may be screwed a tad bit, but I wished well. I mean I was regarded as the king of the players too, but I wasn't even as remotely disgusting and ridiculous and disrespectful like the other guys. They really got me sick with their ways of talking about girls. Being a player is one, disrespecting them doesn't account for that. And that's what set me apart. And a lot more things too. But that's for another time. 

Anyway, I had literally danced in my room when Mom Dad had announced that the Matthews were moving to San Diego. And now they're back, 4 years later? Ugh, c'mon man. But, I mean Elle and I are together, not for the world yet, but I am sure she will tell Lucas that this ship has sailed. Or will she not? Ugh! Can't we just have a peaceful relationship. One stressful approval was already nerve-wrecking. And now an ex-lover, like wow. 

I was scrolling through my closet for deciding on what to wear in the evening, I mean we had the entire afternoon left, it was just 3 PM but I needed a distraction. I wasn't pissed with Elle, but at the things I got to know. 

My back was to the door of my bedroom when Elle quietly came in without making any noise and just stood there. I knew she was in there, I had felt her coming. But I was enjoying the quiet, my body was tense, but I had a goofy smile on my face. 

Elle POV 

I entered Noah's room and it felt like I was in heaven. The cozy ambience, the colors, and there he stood in all his glory. Lee's room faced the valley so he always had his curtains open, but Noah's room was always just very cozy and the perfect blend of bright and dim. I just stood there leaning my head against the wall between his desk and door checking him out with all the love in my eyes. His back was facing me, but I couldn't help imagine his expressions on his face. He was standing in front of closet going through his hung t-shirts probably looking for something to wear. The way his muscles were moving as he moved each hanger to the side after shaking his head in negative. The way he kept tossing his hair behind every few second and how his muscles flexed as he did that was doing something to me. 

My body was giving me all kinds of signals to just go get him. But, I had so far been successful at not letting him know I was in the room just to enjoy this view. And I wanted this to last for just a few more minutes. 

He finally decided on his outfit I'm guessing because he went like "Yeah, this should keep her distracted" to himself and I couldn't help but silently laugh at how adorable he was looking and being, even from behind. Sigh. 

A few seconds later, he caught me off guard. 

"The show's over, Elle" he turned to look at me and smirked. 

"How'd you know I was standing there? I was very silent" I said confidently 

"Silent or not, I know your scent. I just pretended to not notice you." As he said this, in 2-3 long steps, he was in front of me. He shut the door, locked it and pulled me closer. He looped his fingers into the belt-loops in my jeans and pulled me to him, our noses touching, our lips barely half an inch apart. We could feel each other's breaths get heavy. We had that effect on each other. 

You're gonna thank me one day - A Kissing Booth FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon