Moving Forward - A New Life

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Elle POV 

My Mom always said that after every low we see in life, we are blessed with a high, right after. It's the circle of life. High's and low's are part of our life. 

A lot has happened in the last couple months, but somehow everything is just the same. 

To begin with, Noah and I got back together, on Christmas and this time, with the approval of our family. Remind me to tell you about that dinner Dad and Noah went to, by themselves. I am told to never mention it in front of Noah because he says he gets nightmares.  He is funny. But I am sure that went well, because Dad was happy when Noah and I got together on Christmas. 

Lee. What do I even say about him. For him to be happy for Noah and I was the biggest concern I had. But, he was happy for me and he wouldn't stop telling me that. Rule no. 9 meant the most to him out of all our rules and I knew why. But for him to come around on that, made me the happiest. He is my soulmate. Seeing him happy, makes me happy and seeing me happy, makes him happy. Noah and he had gotten closer in the last couple months and they told me it was because of me. To have both my boys by my side, was the best feeling in the world. I know Lee would always be around, always be there for me, I had no doubt about that.

Rachel. My first ever friend who is a girl. Growing up, I never really had friends who were girls. Hell, I grew up around Lee and the guys. I did have a few girlfriends, like Hayley and a couple more, but Lee and the boys were the ones I hung out with, mostly. Lee and she were so good together, it made me cry. She was a good girl and I am so glad that they found each other. Rachel was a breath of fresh air in my life, we both became friends so soon and she is exactly what I need for my girl-talks now that I am at that phase in life where we both have so much to talk about - make up, hair, shopping - BOYFRIENDS. 

That brings me to my boyfriend, the great Noah Flynn. A surprise in himself. Noah and I have practically grown up around each other and know each other for our entire lives, but I will be honest, I have gotten to know him only in the last few months. A side, I never knew existed. The lover, the boyfriend, the sweetest, most thoughtful, Noah Flynn. What do I even say. 

After Christmas, he got his admits back-to-back. He had gotten into most of his preferred schools. I was not surprised when he told me he had decided to study law, like my Mom. He had gotten into some really good schools, but I knew his heart was set on the one that was 3000 miles away. He had also gotten into schools, not too far from me. My heart sank every time I thought about next year and how I'd manage without not having him around all the time. 

Sneaking around was fun, but dating with everyone in the know, was somewhat peace-affirming. We still got prying looks from girls at school, who'd often start whispering ill about me when I'd pass by in the corridors/ cafeteria, but it didn't bother me. I knew Noah didn't give two hoots about them. 

Our last semester at school, was one of the most memorable ones. We went to each other's games, went on double dates with Lee and Rachel, hung out with the gang, went to the pier, defeated everyone at DDR who tried to compete with Lee and I. 

Spending time with Noah, stealing glances from across the rooms, his winks causing butterflies in my stomach, his smile, everything. Visiting our spots from time-to-time to steal moments together, date nights, movie nights, 'sleepovers', accidentally falling asleep in each other's rooms and facing questioning parents with embarrassment, misleading Lee when he tried to spy on us and find out about our spots, I wouldn't change a thing. 

Summer. Since childhood, my summers were pretty much the same. Going to the beach house for a month with the Flynn's, a trip to Malibu to visit to my Grandmother's and spending time at the pier and the pool with Lee and the gang. Noah, was always mostly away at football camp, every year. But this year, was different, most memorable, because it was also a summer after which so many things would change. 

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