Ex-crush or maybe more?

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Elle POV 

Hayley was teasing Noah and I as we all walked down the stairs when suddenly I heard that voice. 

"Hey Elle" 

And there he was. 

Lucas Matthews. In flesh. 

Now, I know I have a boyfriend, a very hot one at that, but how could someone not drool at how handsome Lucas Matthews had gotten from the last time I saw him. From what I remember last, the day he had left Los Angeles, he had crooked teeth, body full of scars, because we'd had a bike race, him Lee and I. He had freckles, messy hair which were always unkempt, but somehow he'd always looked adorable. And now, a complete 360 degree turn. Quite charming, must say. Maybe something in the San Diego air? Should go visit sometime. Shut up, you dork. 

I immediately smile at him and look over to Noah besides me who had frozen and Hayley had let out a low whistle. She pushes Noah to move who stopped dead in his tracks as though he'd seen a ghost. It was cute, maybe he thought he now had competition for me. LOL! 

We all make our way downstairs into the living area and sit on the couch. Awkward. I mean how exactly was Lee so very comfortable with this guy around already? He was already offering him a drink, chatting as though they'd been in touch all through the years he moved away. I'm sure Lee would've told me, but he seems quite pally, I can't help but think. 

"So, how are you Elle?" Lucas enquires politely. 

"Very well. This was a good surprise Lucas." I smile 

Lee comes over to the couch and lands himself with a jerk next to me. "Lucas, you remember Noah. And Hayley." 

"Yes, of course, mighty Flynn. How are you, mate? Still playing football?" Lucas asks with a slight shift in expression which I noticed. 

"Hey, man." Noah said as he extended to shake his hand from across the couch. "Yeah, still the star player and vice-captain of the team. Jim Peterson is the captain." he shrugged.

"Oh I remember him. And there was another guy to your clique, eh Flynn? Jake Dawson, right? 

"Yeah, sharp memory." Noah chucked. "He's Hayley's boyfriend." 

"Oh nice. So Hayley, I'm sorry, we never spoke before, but nice to meet you." Lucas smiled at her just like he smiled at me. 

"Oh don't worry about it. We survived thus far." Hayley joked. 

"Well, enough of these formal pleasantries LETS PARTAAYY" Lee shouted.

And  soon, the usual crowd and the entire junior and senior class of Country Day LA was in the Flynn house partying like there's no tomorrow. Music was playing at one end, there were student bartenders making drinks for other students, some people were by the pool table, some people were chilling by the pool. It was a mad house in under less than an hour. And it had just begun. 

I hadn't had a moment with Noah since the guest bedroom. He was too busy playing pool with Jake, Jim and a couple guys from his class while Hayley was with Heather and Harper. Harper was Heather's cousin who we would meet every summer. She was adorable and a really nice person. 

"I want eye candy" Harper shrieked causing Hayley and I to laugh at her. The crowd at the party was new to her, but not to us, we saw those losers at school every day. 

"Heyy." she whispered coming closer to the two of us "That guy there in the brown jacket is kinda hot." she said in a kind of sexy tone. 

I didn't even have to look at who she was pointing at, it was my boyfriend obviously. Heather was totally rooting for Harper finding Noah hot, I mean sure, he was hot, but he's taken. You're late to the party, girl! 

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