Mission Let's Win Noah Back - 1

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Noah POV 

Really, what just happened? I thought we had this pretty much sorted. We'll be together despite being far away at the party and we were doing pretty well. 

Elle got drunk, and I got Hayley to check on her. That was a good call I took. Although, I should've actually made her check on Lee too. The ass, threw up and then wore my jacket and the rest, well, is history. 

The party had been going pretty well, I'd say. Lucas, well, was maintaining a good distance from Elle, after that one interaction where he got too close to her for my sanity. But, sometimes, taking a leap of faith actually helps and I trusted Elle and she never was alone with him at the party. He too, maintained distance. Just to think, there was one more new person who I had to keep away from my girl was making me crazy. No, I wasn't jealous of Lucas. I mean, maybe, I was, but for all weird reasons. 

Because they'd had a past and he was still onto it. But, anyway, for now, it was okay, because we had another matter at hand. If all did not go well, We'd be coming out to the school soon, anyway. Or so was my hope. 

I also thought what Elle did, after throwing Sophie in the pool, was kinda hot, but boy did it go down the drain. Sophie had been trying to get my attention while me and the boys were playing pool and as much as I kept subtlety trying to tell her I wasn't interested, she just couldn't take my no. What we had was a one time make out session anyway. Nothing more.  

And then Elle sprung out of nowhere, threw her in the pool and claimed me. For one, I thought may be this was our public proclamation, but Lee still continued to exist and I may have forgotten that detail in our sudden make-out session. And the fact that he saw what happened, killed him. I mean, we were brothers. I get where he was coming from, he was very particular and possessive about Elle. Well, so was I, but in my own way which he didn't approve of, until recently. Him warming up to me was fairly because of the fight with Tuppen and even if both Elle and I felt that this change of heart for Lee and I meant he'd be okay if we told him about us, I think we were headed the wrong way. 

The way he walked away, how Elle, panicked, ran up to him and her final words to me "I can't do this right now" as I tried to console her, pinched me, broke me. One, it stung because this had never happened to me before and also because it was something I had kind of locked in the back of my mind not wanting to think it and manifest it. Maybe karma was hitting me hard. Because I had gone on dates with girls and not called them back. Just 4, though. But karma is karma, small or big. And in my defense, I went on those dates to keep my mind of Elle. 

Yeah, I know, manifesting and stuff, I am a softie. Didn't you know that already? 

And then, her injury. My heart stopped beating as Elle shouted leading Hayley and I to turn towards her after she'd pushed us away and I ran like my life depended on it to hold Elle before she could hurt herself more. She banged her head on the staircase railing, and twisted and was about to fall, had I not caught her in time. I think I twisted something too, but I didn't care. Elle was important. Her shout got Lee coming out of his room and a couple people from the party quietened up as well. 

When she didn't wake up for those hours, they felt like years. I had just got her, I couldn't lose her. Moreover, I couldn't tell anyone apart from Hayley, god bless her that she consoled me so I could be there for Brad and Lee. The parents were there for each other. While sitting by the pool consoling Lee, he out of nowhere hugged me and cried and that led my dam to burst too. 

"Why are you crying? You saved her" is what he said. "I caused her this condition" he sniffed. 

"No, you didn't, Lee, don't blame yourself and don't even tell Elle this. She may spank you, if not me." I tried to lighten the mood. 

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