Stop thinking so much!

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Hi everyone! Thank you for the love for this book! Here are two new chapters! 

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Noah POV

I didn't know what was more painful, my injury or the fact that I made Elle cry, once again. I don't know if it makes sense but seeing her hurt, upset, cry makes me hate myself. I tried, I tried hard to think of it as an older brother instinct, but it was something else. It was love. To be feeling something so strong for someone when I don't even know who I am myself, when I am still figuring out life, felt extremely strange yet blessed and...Weirdly right. As though, this was the universe's way of telling me to change my ways for the good.

My mom and Dad were living proof of what I was going through. Hell, even Elle's parents were high school sweethearts. All 4 of them met during high school even though different schools, but they managed thus far, perfectly fine. Maybe history did have its own way of repeating itself with intertwining Elle and my destiny to be together. This was in my head, when in reality, she ran away from me at any given opportunity which was gradually believe that she just doesn't see me the way I see her.

Kissing her was magical. Her taste still lingered on my lips. For someone who hadn't been kissed, she was one of the best kisses I had. Call me a kiss connoisseur or whatever, but I did have my fair share of kisses to judge which reeked of love, lust, passion etc. Elle, was different. She was sweet, soft, kind; it was something I cannot put in words. I just knew it was magical. And, I had been her first kiss. Wow. Talk about destiny, again.

Crazy, right? I can't believe myself either. I've never seen this side to me before. Sappy, soft-hearted, romantic, maybe? Wow. I knew Elle was a cheese-lover and die-hard romantic thanks to the billion romantic comedy films she'd made me and Lee watch with her when we were younger.

Putting these thoughts in my mind, I decided to take a nap induced by the pain-killer Elle had given me.

While drifting into siesta, I did hear my door creak open and vaguely saw her form, and then go away seconds later.

Elle POV

He's slept. Thank god. I can leave now. I knew I couldn't fully avoid Noah. He'd always be in my periphery here, at school and at family lunch which was at my house this week.

I knew my feelings for Noah had gotten stronger in the past few days, seeing another side to him which I thought wasn't ever sure but existed, moved me. This was the Noah my Mom knew, my Mom saw. As I went down into the living room sitting on my favorite couch fidgeting with my fingers and lost in thought, I heard June enter the house.

"Hey honey, thank you so much for taking care Noah" said June In her kindest maternal voice. She was my second mother after my Mom passed away and my Mom's last words to me were that June will guide me through everything she cannot be there for.

I was visibly shaken and had tear-stains on my face and I hoped June didn't notice so I quickly wiped my face with my hands and went to greet her in the kitchen.

"Of course June, well, Lee had classes so I was more than happy to help Noah back home." I smiled

"Is he resting upstairs?" June asked me looking towards his door from where we stood in the kitchen

"Yes, he's resting. He fell asleep thanks to the painkiller the nurse suggested." I replied and suddenly it felt like I was biting back my tears at the memory of what happened in Noah's room.

"Thanks honey. Are you okay though? The principle called me and told me about what exactly happened and for once I am glad Noah was in a fight. He really does care about you..." she pressed my hand as if wanting me to understand her unspoken words.

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