I love you with all my heart!

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Noah POV

Wow. That firecracker got me hard without even doing anything. She has had me turned on three times now, just by being in my close proximity. I don't want to even begin to think what will happen if and when we take this forward.

I'm a guy, she's a girl I like, pardon me if you think I'm being "such a guy". As much as Elle said she needs to protect my virtue, I feel like she is the only one who is a threat to it. For real though. I know I had to act fast.

As I walked outside my room, I saw walk away with n air of smug in her body language towards Lee's room.

As I went closer, I heard her sweet voice as she was humming her favorite song while painting something for the Kissing booth.

With Lee nowhere in sight, I entered the room and cleared my throat. Elle look at me visible shook at the sudden interruption, but smirks on seeing me.

"Like what you see, lil Miss Evans?" I say as I walk up to her sit down on the edge of the bed right next to her.

"Don't go feeling too special, Flynn." She had to be fiery.

"In quite a spicy mood, huh?" she shrugs in response and continues doing her painting.

Think of a way to talk to her. She can't intimidate you, that's what you came here for.

"So, Elle.."

Elle POV

Uh-oh! Here it comes.

"Yeah?" I replied to Noah nonchalant.

"There was a recent infiltration in my room, and said person fidgeted with a few things, you know?"

"Oh really? Who dared to mess with you and your things huh? Someone's got guts." I was glad he was behind me and not looking at him was helping me keep up my stance today. No. Backing. Down.

"Well, yes they do, and I wanted to know if you know who that could be?"

"Sorry, I don't."

"Oh, that's bad because I thought you'd know who this belongs to." He waves my earring in his hand waiting for me to look back him. And I did. And he knew he'd won my mind to take over it completely.

"Thha...that's my earring from my Grandma Paula. How do you have it? Thanks for finding it though?" I snatched it from his hand while he chuckled at my reflex.

As I wore it on my empty ear, Noah kept staring at me with a very soft look in his eyes.

And I had to put my foot in my mouth; you could count on me for that. Because I said, "Noah, please. We can't. Lee will be home soon. Please leave me alone."

Noah POV

With that she stood up and started back tracking her steps, preparing to run away, again. But I wasn't going to have it, this time. Barging into my room could wait, but my feelings for her, couldn't.

Being soft her didn't help, so I had to take matters in my own hands and as she stared at me with those tears, I stood up, picked her up over my shoulders and went back into the safe haven of my room, and shut the door and locked the room.

Despite her protests and occasional fist pumps on my back, I put her down on my bed and blocked her from leaving.

I was done. I had to tell her what's on my mind, in my heart and put to rest this roller-coaster of emotions I was going through every time I saw her.

"You don't know what you do to me Elle." She lay still where I had dropped her, propped up on her elbows while I locked her with being slightly over her.

"No..aah please, I can't do this. Please let me go." She whispered.

"I can't, not anymore." I whispered back with eyes full of love boring into hers as I moved my hand to wipe her tears.

She was still. I lost all my resilience and kissed her. With all my heart, all my love, hoping she understood how much I loved her, how much I wanted her in my arms.

And she responded, if equal fervor and we kissed for what seemed like forever. When we both broke apart to catch up on our breaths, we continued to stare at each other. I smiled at her while she continued staring at me in a trance with confusion written all over her face.

"This is what you do to me, Elle." I took her hand which was on my shoulder and put it against my fast heart-beat. I chuckled as I her eyes got bigger.

"You know what it wants?" she nodded a no slowly, that cheeky monster, mine.

"It wants you. I love you, Elle."

There, I said it. It took every ounce of me to not kiss her again, but she looked like she needed a moment to process this information. Confusion, shock, surprise, excitement? Her face was a myriad of emotions. Her eyes were a reflection of her thoughts most of the time and I don't think she realized how easy to read she was. I distanced myself from her slightly and gave her the moment to process. I could be kind enough. If things go well, we'd have more time to execute my ideas in the near future.

But, no surprises as to what Elle's reaction was. "I, have to go" and she was out of the door.

She did not. 

Hi, everyone! Thanks for the interest in this book. I am working on a few plot twists and am open to suggestions. So comment and let me know what you want to see next. Maybe how Elle confesses her feelings? Any ideas are welcome! 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you soon! xx

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