I sense trouble in paradise!

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Elle POV 

After spending two days with Noah exploring Boston and seeing the city come alive in front of me through his eyes, I did feel like I could see myself living here. Even though, I was set on Berkeley with Lee, Harvard and Boston were a major attraction. pushing me to my edges to apply to Harvard and other colleges here. Meeting Noah's friends was a lot of fun too. They filled me in on how upset he'd get when he was missing me and how they were able to always tell his mood was because of me and our calls. They really cared a lot for him and I was very happy for him to be around such lovely people. 

Game day was amazing. I swear, I could tell Noah shouting the loudest every time I scored and when Country day won the tournament and I was called on to receive the trophy. 

"I am so proud of you, babe" Noah said as he pulled me into his arms after I managed to escape the frenzy of people in celebratory mood around me. He had patiently waited while I was dying to be in his arms. 

"Thanks" I chirped as we made our way to the locker room for coach's speech and then the party thereafter. 

As I entered the locker room, I saw Marco flirting with Isa, one of the girls on the team leaning against well, my locker. I saw him see me through the corner of his eyes. Damn. 

I cleared my throat as Isa blushed and moved away but Marco stayed behind me as I emptied the locker. 

"That was a good game." he almost whispered and his breath tickled my neck. He was close, very close. I quickly turned around and if it weren't for our heads banging, we'd have kissed by mistake. 

"Ouch" we said at the same time and burst out laughing. "Thanks" I replied to his earlier comment. "You were pretty efficient. I am glad we finally have someone who is active and doesn't slack in support staff duties." I smiled at him. 

"Woah woah woah. Did the great Elle Evans just praise me? I thought you didn't like me" he teased 

"Well, let's just say, you've managed to reform yourself in my eyes." I smiled at him as he smiled his dimpled smile. My cheeks felt red and I felt a sudden adrenaline rush in my body as we stared me flashing those dimples. My stomach plummeted as he winked at me and left the locker room. 

"He has that effect on everyone of us. And now finally, you join the wagon too" I heard Isa say as she laughed and came next to me. 

I choked as I struggled to get words out of my mouth and get a grip on myself. 

"You're red, Elle" Isa commented as I caught on my breath. 

"Well, we've just had an intense game, it could be due to that" I argued and started shoving my things in my duffel. 

"Well, there's definitely some chemistry there, I saw it" she was persistent. 

"Isa, go help Marco please." Debbie came to my rescue and I could not have been more thankful for her to come at a more right time. 

"Phew" I said as Debbie laughed at me and I sat down on the bench to sip water. 

"He is hot though" Debbie teased. 

"Not you too." I chided. "Besides, he may be hot, but I have eyes only for.."

"Flynn" I get it she completed my sentence and laughed. "I'm happy for you, you got to see him after so many months."

"Yeah, well, this was a definite surprise. And if this trip wouldn't have happened, Noah and I would've gone almost 4 months without seeing each other, and would meet only on Thanksgiving." 

"And now with it being just two weeks away, you get to him soon again" Debbie said as I blushed. 


"Hey babe. Are you ready?" Noah asked me as I picked up his call. 

"Yeah, give me 5 minutes. Are you down already?" 


"What's up? You okay?" 

Yeah, umm, actually I wanted to know if it's okay if a friend comes along with us?" 

"Yeah, of course. I thought your group was going downtown for that mixer?" I wondered 

"Umm yes yes they are, but this is..." 

"Umm not a problem Noah, he can come" I said "I'll see you downstairs. Text me when you're here." I cut the phone and finished getting ready. 

As I went downstairs, I saw Noah waiting for me looking every bit like a runway model. Hair tousled perfectly with gel, well-done beard, crisp suit and bow-tie. I was lovestruck. 

I smiled at him, as he grinned back at me and as I made my way towards him, I saw someone grab him into her arms and it didn't look like he minded her action. 


Hello, we made it 2 months into 2021. Wow, it's been a year since lockdown was imposed and COVID surged relentlessly. I hope everyone of you is safe. 

I will leave this here, although no surprises in guessing who Noah's sidekick for Elle's soccer party is. 

The next part will be up soon. Enjoy xx

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