Letters from the heart

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Author's note: I credit the idea for this chapter to my fellow writer and author of the lovely book - Dear Elle -  aliciaruby90 who was kind enough to let me explore the idea of letters from Joni to both Elle and Noah at this point in my book. A mother knows best, always! Thank you x 


Dear Noah, 

If this letter has found its way to you, then I am very happy that you worked on your  feelings for Elle. I take pride in knowing you a little more than June because of all those times you, as a child trusted to confide in me about anything and everything you were feeling or going through. 

I knew there was more to your 'protective' demeanor towards Elle and I am so happy to see that you two found your way towards each other. I send all my love to you, my lovelies. 

Losing me, meant Elle grew up and took on a lot of responsibility very early on, before she had to grow up. I know your Mom has done a tremendous job in being there for her, like Lee and you have, too. Sometimes experiences like these, transform us overnight and we learn to adapt to it. 

I am sure, you are now way ahead of your anger issues and are one of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Your innate ability to be there for people, in your own ways and to do good for them without seeking validation, is what sets you apart Noah. That is the Noah, I know and want the world to know.

But, Noah, there is something I want you to know, that may be better suited for a time in your life that you feel dejected, defeated and directionless. That could happen at any point in your life. Why I tell you this is because I want you to always take decisions with a clean mind and not clouded by anything. Noah, haste makes waste. As a lawyer, I always preferred fact and by default went beyond what I saw. There is always more than what meets the eye. Remember, this always. Never judge anything on face value.

Take informed decisions, always. All those days you spent with me at the hospital doodling your feelings and coming with those amazing masterpieces, I always hold those moments with you close to my heart, my dear. And this is one thing, I wish I could tell you before I was gone, but I am writing it, so that you hear this from me when you need it the most and I hope it makes whatever you are going through easy on you. 

And, you always have your secret space to go to. Your spot, that will always bring you peace and calm. 

 I am with all of you, always. 

With love, 



Noah POV 

I had to read Joni's letter here, where because of her, I could feel at one with myself. A place, not so secret anymore, not only mine anymore. The place held more importance to me than ever. The place where Elle and I first got together, its a place of many firsts. 

A couple weeks ago before Joni passed, she was allowed to come home for a few days and this is where she bought me. She had whisked me away on the pretext of an ice cream but bought me to the Hollywood sign. 

As a 14 year old, I was in awe of the view in front of me. Downtown, the valley, it almost felt like I wasn't born and brought up here in Los Angeles. 

"Where are we, Aunt Joni?" a starstruck 14 year old asked her. I remember holding on to her feeble hands tightly scared of the height. 

"We are near the Hollywood sign, sweet child. A hike. Amidst nature, is the most rejuvenated you will ever feel. I needed this, before I leave and you are my companion here."  she had said. 

It was because of her, that I kept coming back here and I found my spot, the place where I found love, my life, my forever, my Elle. The place that will always hold the most special position in our lives. 

It felt like Joni was right besides me, telling me exactly what I should be told to feel better. That's what she always did. She just knew. Losing her, felt like a part of all our hearts were ripped apart, a void that couldn't ever be filled. But, this letter

Suddenly, I felt like Elle and I would be okay. There was this new found gusto in me, that was shouting that all will be well. 

Thanksgiving dinner with the family was fun. Thankfully, the awkwardness between Elle, Lee and myself wasn't a dampener, after all. But, I also withdrew myself soon enough to come up here and read this letter from a very special person. 


Hi everyone. Here's the update. Sorry for the extra small chapter, but a longer one will be up soon. And yes, soon means this week. It took me a while to recover from the writer's block, but watching the movies again always helps and finally did that yesterday. 

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