Broken hearts - Boy, does it get hard

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Elle POV 

How do you nurse a broken heart? A broken heart courtesy the person you thought would never hurt you? It is worse when that very person who promises you all the happiness in the world who hurts you in the worst way possible. 

It wasn't long ago when I had late-night discussions with Lee about how all at 18, Noah and I felt so strongly for each other when honestly, we didn't even know who we were. Your late teens are when you are exploring the world, getting to know yourself, but these intense feelings for someone so early in life, I felt like it was too much to take. Coupled with our long-distance, it did get overwhelming at times. But Lee, being the best friend that he is, always spoke me out of my misery and laid my mind to rest. But, guess what, those thoughts were back. 

It was always the reminder of Noah and how we were thriving that made me happy and feel all fuzzy on the inside. But right now, I am not so sure. 

Getting back from Boston, I knew something had changed. Noah and my equation wasn't the same. Nobody could probably be able to figure it out, but I knew something was off. 

Let me fill you in. 

The girl I saw hugging Noah and being all over him, was Chloe. Chloe Winthrop, a hot, British, runway model like with drop-dead gorgeous looks, the kind of girl Noah would deserve to be with, since he is eye-candy himself. Walking out of that elevator, I never felt so under-dressed, even though given it was a party thrown for me, I felt like shit, for real. 

It looked like she was Noah's girlfriend and I was third-wheeling with them. 

"British are known to be over-friendly sometimes, its hollow, almost. My aunt Claire was like that" Debbie's words of consolation rang in my head, but that didn't help my jealousy and most importantly, while I had met everyone from his group of friends, neither him nor Hayley told me about her. Almost as if deliberately avoiding her mention. I was mad, very very mad. Not to mention, things got worse, Noah was very secretive and didn't share much about her even after I met her, briefly. The atmosphere at the party was tense for me and I spent more time away from Noah than with him, given he was busy with his secret friend, all the time.

Getting back to LA, the next day, was tougher than I thought. When I landed, I had text messages waiting from Noah and Hayley and an Instagram follow request from Chloe waiting to be answered. She seemed so unaffected, nonchalant, unaware of the stress she had caused in my relationship. I didn't get why Noah didn't tell me about her, in the first place. 

Oddly enough, Lee was busier than usual in his new-found relationship with Rachel, having said their 'I love yous' only recently, they were way too much into each other and I was happy to give them all the space and miss my boyfriend, when I didn't even know what we were anymore. 

Two weeks in, with Noah coming back home for Thanksgiving this weekend, I don't quite know if I am ready to see him. He's been trying to talk to me, I haven't been responding to him, he tried to get me on call by calling Lee, June and sometimes my Dad, but I knew I wasn't ready. 

A surprise run into Marco at the arcade, a day after landing, alone, on the DDR machine, gave rise to a new-found friendship with him. We spoke about his ex-girlfriend, his move from Michigan to LA, his family, his sister and Brad who were in the same school. 

"I didn't know we had so much in common" I mused after catching up on my breath after laughing incessantly at the joke he cracked while we brought candy-floss at the pier. 

"Well, I am a nice guy, you took your time to get to know me" he winked. 

"Ah well, you were very annoying, but maybe a little tolerable now, I'd say" 

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