Getting rid of Gingivitis

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Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease. It's a mild infection of the gums and many people can have it without even realising it. some symptoms are: irritation, redness, swelling and puffiness of the gums, bleeding when floosing or brushing teeth. It occurs due to poor oral hygiene, which allows plaque to form on the teeth. Here are some ways to help keep it at bay:


Make a solution by dissolving 1-2 teaspoon of salt in a small cup of luke warm water. Gargle with the solution. Try and do this once everyday.



Make a paste of 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and mustard oil. Apply it on your teeth and gums and massage. make sure you dont get the turmeric everywhere as it leaves a yellow stain (yes so you will end up with a yellow finger). it will also leave a slightly yellow tinge in your teeth but that goes away easily (i promise ). 


 Oil Pulling

I haven't tried this method before but it doesn't seem like it will hurt someone so thats why its here.

Put 1 tablespoon of  coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 mins. you might want to work up to it because having oil in your mouth for that long at once  might be a bit uncomfortable. Spit it out and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water. Do this each morning before brushing your teeth for about a month.


I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I have my gear in place I will be updating twice a month on a  Wednesday from this week on ( not counting this update). This is just because i find it hard to write good chapters as i start to run out of ideas i can actually write about.  Also this will help me to keep to a schedule as i have longer to get everything prepared.

Anyways thank you for reading this chapter and leave requests/what you thought of the chapter in the comments!


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