BTS #2 : Pencilcase essentials

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Everyone has their own list and what they find they need everyday for school. This just happens to be my must haves. Hope you enjoy!

1. Pencils. I normally carry a pacer. Idk what you call them because I swear there are hundreds of words for it, but it's the pencil where you have to insert the lead. Maybe mechanical pencil rings a bigger bell? If I'm carrying pencils for the week I try to have two sharp pencils for the day.

2. Eraser

3. Sharpener. Even if you don't use a pencil, sharpeners can canoe in handy quite a bit and also I swear at my school NO ONE carries a shatpener.

4. Calculator. I can forget everything in my pencil case but if I have my calculator I will be fine. I have a maths class 4 days out of the five and if you don't have your calculator, dude a yard duty has been pre written for you and is waiting to be fulfilled.

5. Ruler. Another math essential but it come in handy for a lot of subjects.

6. Pens. I always try and have two to three different colours so that I can use them for writing my notes. Personally I carry a blue, red and one of those pens with other colours in it. They save a lot of space and I definitely recommend getting one even if you don't use a variety of colours whilst writing.

7. Whiteout.

8. Highlighter. I have two really tiny ones so they don't take as much space but highlighters are great for adding colour to black and blue writing and to make note of important information.

9. Sticky Notes/Post It's. (Thanks for reminding me @bringmesleepingvic )

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