Random tips #18-28

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18. Gums hurt when flossing? Try brushing your teeth first before you floss.

19. Know you have to get out of your house early the next day? Try making something like overnight oats to make getting ready easier.

20. Arm w/o motivation: to carry all your groceries in at once.

21.Can't drink water without feeling sick? Try fruit infused water( with a straw sometimes helps)

22.Can't sleep? Try counting back from 100 to 1. If you still can't sleep increase the number and start again.

23. Always forget to drink water? Apps such as Plant Nanny and Water your body are great. ( They're free on android I think you have to pay for them on apple though)

24. E.g. is used for examples and i.e. for clarification. Totally didn't know this tbh.

25. GrEy- in Europe, grAy - America

27. Write up dates in your notes so if things get mixed up or you're trying to find information it's more efficient.

28. Diy eye primer: take the tiniest bit of Vaseline and put it all over your eyelids. Apply your eyeshadow on top, it should work just as well as a normal primer


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