DIY Hair Masks

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Hydrating oil mask

- 4-5 tablespoons of Olive oil
- 2-3 tablespoons of honey

Heat up the olive oil for roughly 25 secs in the microwave and then squeeze the honey in with the oil. Gently massage it into your hair and then put your hair in a shower cap for about 20 min. Finish of with shampoo and conditioner like always.


Mask for shiny hair

- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1 medium sized avocado

Mash up the avocado until smooth with no lumps and then pour the oil and coconut milk in. Also please please please make sure that there are no lumps whatsoever in the avocado as I found out the hard way it gets stuck in your hair when you try to wash it of. Not a pleasant experience. What I do is use and electronic hand held blender, put it on low speed and move it around the bowl to get rid of all the lumps. Heat your mixture up and then slather it on your head. Keep it on for about 25-30 min with a shower cap or a towel to catch drips. Finish of with shampoo and conditioner like always.


Restoration Mask

-1 egg
-1 banana
-2 tablespoons of honey
-1/2 medium sized avocado
-3 tablespoons of olive oil
-3 tablespoons of milk

Mash up the banana, egg and avocado if there are still lumps left I use an electronic hand held blender, put it on low speed and move it around the bowl to get rid of all the lumps. Like I said before please get rid of ALL the lumps before putting it on your hair. Then stir the milk, honey and olive oil in. Apply it all over your hair and let it sit for about 20-25 min then wash your hair to get rid of the mixture by following your normal hair routine. Mine is just shampoo and conditioner yours?


To fight frizz

-1/2 cup yoghurt

-1/2 cup honey

-1 tablespoon almond oil

Mix all three ingredients together and apply it all over your hair. leave it on for 20 min then wash it of folliwing your hair care routine. I would suggest doing this atleast once a month.

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