Ways to boost your metabolism

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1. Drink lots of water, about 2-3 litres p/day Nourishing your body with water not only helps your bodies performance

but also speeds up your metabolism to help you lose weight.

2. Continuing with the last point drink water when you wake up, 30 mins before each meal and after a meal to aid your


3. Green tea after breakfast is another way to really start up your metabolism

4. EAT BREAKFAST. Breakfast is exactly what the word says. Breaking fast, when you've woken up from your sleep

you've been without food for up to 8 hours. Can you imagine not eating for that period of time during the day without

getting hungry?

5. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours.

6. When exercising do moves in a short time with high reps. There are many free High Intensity Interval Training

(HIIT) videos for you to take advantage of on Youtube.

7. Sleep 8 hours

8. Avoid restrictive diets


Thanks you to such an awesome response on the last chapter!!! I will definitely have a part 2 to the chapter so keep your eyes out for when it comes out!


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