Tuna Bake

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I recently found this recipe and instantly fell in love with it. I hope you guys love it too. Also I call it a tuna bake but the recipe which I got it from called them mini tuna pies.


- 4 eggs

- 1/4 cup milk

- 125g tuna

- 1 onion finely diced

- 1 teaspoon of any herb you enjoy

- salt and pepper for taste

- slices of bread

- butter

- Baking dish


- Place everything except for your bread in a bowl and combine

- Flatten al your pieces of bread out. I like running a rolling pin over the bread. Butter one side of the bread

- Spray the bottom of your baking dish with oil or butter. I just found this helped with taking the end product out easier.

- Lay your bread butter side down. Make sure the bread covers the bottom of you pan. You can use a muffin pan for this recipe but I choose to use a baking dish.

- Pour your egg mix into your baking dish

- Cook in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden and firm in the middle.

I like eating this as a snack or for lunch. Feel free change up the recipe and personalise it. Some eamples are more or less tuna, substitute the fish for another form of protein, add other vegetables for eg I LOVE mushrooms in this recipe.

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