How to Unstick a Nail Polish Lid

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I know I know it's been a while since I last updated but everything's just been so hectic! I promise ill be back to my once a week updates! Also could you please go and check out my new book? It's a recipe book with easy step to step instructions and tons of recipes. Ill be posting once a week there too.

Don't you guys just hate it when you favourite nail polish lid gets stuck and nothing in the world seem to be able to untwist it? Then having to chuck away your favourite polish? Well never fear ive just found a trick recently that has never let me down! So don't go around chucking you polishes away just give this trick a go.


1 cup

Hot water

Rubber band (optional)


1.) Fill your cup with hot water

2.) Holding your nail polish upside down, submerge the handle of the bottle into the hot water

3.) Hold for 3-5 minutes (You can watch something on TV or read something to pass the time)

4.) Remove and unscrew - the hot water loosens the hardened nail polish so it should come off easily!

5.) If you are having trouble gripping the top, simply wrap a rubber band around it for a better grip

It's important to hold the nail polish in the cup so that the actual polish isn't submerged, after all, hot temperatures can change the consistency of your polish and make it sticky!

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