Random Tips # 1-10

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1. Think a lot of tea? Then save you tea bags in your freezer (preferably with the tea bag still having moisture from the water) . You can use the tea bags to reduce puffy eyes. They store for a maximum of two days in the freezer because the tea bag looses moisture.

If you don't use tea bags then cold spoons are perfect too :)

2. Losing bobby pins faster than you can buy them? Spray with a bit of hairspray then use it, the hairspray helps the bobby pin stay in place.

3. Lost your eye lash curler? Grab a small teaspoon and use it as a replacement.

4. Drinking around 600ml of water when you wake up starts up your metabolism and flush out toxins from your body.

5. In a rush and no time for breakfast? Quickly whip up a smoothie to take for on the go. (I have a recipe coming for my favourite smoothie when in a rush.) Don't forget to quickly spray some water in the blender jug so it's easier to wash it once you get home.

6. Gently exfoliate your lips with your toothbrush and put on a moisturising lip balm just before sleeping, for soft and pink lips for tomorrow.

7. Want to organise your bobby pins? Just get an empty eclipse container and slide them in :)

8. Can't sleep? Count backwards from 100 to 0 .

9. Still can't fall asleep? Furiously blink your eyes for a couple minutes, as this tires your eyes it helps you fall asleep faster.

10. Always snacking? Freeze grapes for a cool, sweet, healthy and portion sized snack.

They're also great for chilling drinks without it being watered down.


This is how the random tips chapters will work. Also normally I will write tips down as I use them so I may not always have 10 tips p/chapter.


As always thank you all for your support on this book. I can't believe how far the book has come. Thank you to all those who have voted, commented, added to reading list or suggested the book to anyone :)


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